My new daily Mantra

My daughter took this photo recently at a Saybrook Beach
 and I came across this quote,
which I absolutely love.
I repeat it to myself daily.

24 thoughts on “My new daily Mantra”

  1. I have a similar favorite quote by L.M. Montgomery from "Anne of Green Gables":

    "Marilla, isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?"

  2. I just discovered your blog…love it. Your pictures are absolutely amazing. Plus anything with a quote from good ole RWE is gold in my books:) Happy to have discovered!

  3. Gorgeous photo! Like mother, like daughter. Like the quote also. Many days I think to myself, today is the day I worried so much about yesterday. 🙂

  4. Great quote and lovely photo! Do I notice a sunburn on that skinny broad in the new header? If you get any skinnier the wind is going to blow you away!

  5. Love this header! You are beyond adorable.

    Every day is a new beginning. Thank goodness.

    This quote/saying doesn't necessarily go with what you're saying, but it sticks in my head a lot . . .

    If you don't have any baggage it means you haven't been anywhere.

    . . . or something like that! I am who I am because of where I've been. But thank goodness I get to start over every day.

  6. Your daughter's photo is fabulous! Emerson's poem is an old friend; it's been on my laundry room bulletin board for more than fifteen years. Karen, have you read all of it?

    "Finish every day and be done with it.
    You have done what you could.
    Some blunders and absurdities
    no doubt have crept in;
    forget them as soon as you can.

    Tomorrow is a new day;
    begin it well and serenely
    and with too high a spirit
    to be cumbered with
    your old nonsense.

    This day is all that is
    good and fair.
    It is too dear,
    with its hopes and invitations,
    to waste a moment on yesterdays."

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