This Dog Found a Home!

 At the last Dog Days Event in Chester, CT… I fell in love with a dog named Susie. She had been left at the pound by a family who had to move to a rent where dogs were not allowed.  She had been loved, and then left.  Sadly, her previous little boy had seen her picture on Petfinder and was heartbroken. He called to see if she was OK.  It took a while for Susie to find a forever home, and you may remember I was SOOO tempted to keep her myself… although keeping my husband after dog number 4 was kinda important.

 Well, I have great news…
Susie was adopted by a firefighter the other day.
She’s out of the pound and living a good life again.

23 thoughts on “This Dog Found a Home!”

  1. That is good news. Poor boy having to give up his dog. There are often times where people have to give them up, but I see many at Lab Rescue that are just done with the dog. I hope Suzie has a lovely life with her fireman.

  2. Best of luck to Susie. Not all dogs are as lucky as her to be loved by many. "Have a wonderful life, sweet girl".

  3. So happy they found each other! I am trilled that the Lowell Animal Shelter is having such a great adoption turnover this summer! If we all just "toot our horns" about the animals out there for adoption… how can you say no to those sweet faces? Thanks for sharing Karen!

  4. Awwwww, I'm thrilled for Susie to have a new home and very relieved for the heartbroken little boy that his dog found a home!

  5. Yay! I'm fostering a little cutie that I would LOVE to keep but 5 may be too many. I'm so torn.

  6. Fire fighters are life safers in many ways. Glad to hear she has a home and I'm sure your husband is very very glad.

  7. SO happy she found her new forever home with a firefighter, but my heart is broken for the little boy…probably VERY hard for him to understand why this had to happen.

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