A message for you

   Amazing, this blog world.  three years ago I started a web log of our renovation work on This Old House. I thought it would just serve as a diary of our progress and no one would pay much attention but friends and family.  Little did I know that I would make many friends, share life’s trials and tribulations,  find comfort and solice,  swap recipes, food for thought too… with all of you. 

   I want to thank you for reading  my drivel, my antics. You cheer on my family and laugh along with me. We may not always agree, but the point in all this is the conversation.  Heck, sometimes I learn something new and change my way of thinking just a little.   (note- To my husband- JUST HUSH-.)    I appreciate every comment, every view point – as long as it isn’t nasty or a personal attack on others. You’ve never failed me in this… so please, carry on!  and THANK YOU.

PS… some of you still have your e-mail blocked so that I can’t respond to your comments.  This sometimes breaks my heart a little because you leave such nice comments or ask a question and I can’t respond.  There might be reasons why you do this and that’s OK, but just know that if you want to change it, here’s how… it’s a wordy post, but scroll down alittle and you’ll see the tutorial, it’s easy.

23 thoughts on “A message for you”

  1. Karen,

    You and this blog do the world good. Your posts are often gentle reminders that there are people out there who still have common sense, who not only do to others as they would like done to themselves but go above and beyond.

    Right now I have a 8 month old rescue who I might not have been in my life had it not been for your blog (and other blogs like it) who let me know how many dogs are in need.

  2. Karen,
    Without sounding to sappy 🙂 your blog was the first one i read and what got me doing my own. Without ever meeting you in person you have become a trusted friend . So thankyou!
    P..s dont forget our beach trip with our two.families one day! !!! Have a great day

  3. Karen – I've loved your blog since the minute I found it and saw we had the same obsession with the Vineyard.

    I've enjoyed your posts about family, food, gardening, whatever is on your mind and in your heart.

    Keep up the good work… here's to 3 more years. xo

  4. Congratulations, Karen!

    What I like most is that you're genuine, the real deal. I always enjoy hearing your thoughts on so many different subjects. And, appreciate you sharing your family, your home and animals.

    I'm stickin' wid ya! 🙂

  5. Happy blog birthday Karen. I've enjoyed knowing you and look forward to your new year.

    I totally agree with you about the "no-reply" addresses in comments. It makes it impossible to correspond and I wish more people would change that. To deal with the problem, I set my comments up so I could reply on the blog, but it's not the same as a personal email reply. Thank you for reminding everyone!

  6. Always love reading your blog! And by the looks of it, so do many others! What a following you have going on!

    Such a gorgeous header with all those tomatoes from your garden? Sweet!!

  7. no thank you….for always being here for us !!

    and thank you thank you thank you in regards to the blocked emails…..and sharing how to fix it. but now could you post that information to the whole blogging community 🙂

    so often i am asked a question also, and it kills me when i can't respond. again, thank you !

  8. Happy Blogaversary! Love your outlook and we do learn a new trick every single day we blog! I had to take my email off my blog… too much spam so I do my best to respond to any comment I get on the blog. The blog will eventually be a great way to look back at pictures of our family. I struggle with having the time to devote to a blog, I've always had "too many irons in the fire!"

  9. So glad I've been with you almost the entire way through! Its been delightful and I love that you allow us this glimpse into your life. Keep blogging on!

  10. Love your Blog Karen! Love the pictures, the stories, your insight and your opinions….. "Stay Calm and Keep Blogging" Congrats on 3 years!

  11. Hey Karen,

    You're not alone.

    Love the game, love kids, love the coaches (most), can't stand the parents (some).

    Why I sit away from everyone?

  12. I sure miss being able to ooh and aah over all those restoration photos. That was a trip!

    Congrats on hangin' in there AND being such a great bloggy friend.

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