Sports Parents

Forgive me this, another gripe…
My son plays for a Babe Ruth league.
He’s also played soccer and basketball
on several levels
and my daughter was an AAU Basketball player.
I have seen so much bad behavior among parents over the years
that I have little patience any more…
I’m supposed to go to a baseball game this afternoon..
and I love to watch my son in action,
but I loathe the bad behavior I might see in the adult section of the ballfield.
It’s difficult for me to keep my mouth shut
when I hear parents  ridiculing the performance of other people’s children
or complaining about coaches or umpires.
Just as bad – parents who get into arguments with opponent  parents
while the kids sit back and watch.. probably in horror!
What are we teaching our kids?..
It ranks right up there with people who put their personal grievances
with family or friends on facebook for all to see.
This T-shirt?  Says it all.
It should be a requirement that this list of rules be prominently
posted in every little league field, every basketball court,
every soccer field, tennis court, lacrosse field, etc. etc. etc.
 Just sayin.

19 thoughts on “Sports Parents”

  1. I remember those days and that shirt IS perfect!

    Good luck at the game. When you see those parents misbehaving, snap their photo and post it for all the world to see. Then, send it to them and show the what kind of influence they really are.

  2. Its so very nice to watch an Amish baseball game, so very polite and cheering for one another. I'm not saying every game played has been that way, but for the most part that's what I have seen, and its so very nice. Richard

  3. I.Love.That.Tshirt

    My youngest daughter was on the track team and I never enjoyed the meets because of some of the crazy parents. Not good.

  4. I really didn't see any of that in the grandkids games, but I had to stop going to a friend of mine's kids TBall. Her husband was ridiculous; jumping up and down, criticizing, cursing. It was awful!! And, I just can't understand why people act like that!

    That tshirt really does say it all.

  5. Your are soo right, Karen.
    As the grandmother of a granddaughter who played fastpithch softball all thru school.. I too have witnessed the same parental misbehavior.

  6. I know what you mean–there is such lack of civility and it is teaching kids to be rude and self-centered!
    Maybe the team could get some of these t-shirts made up and sell them–or just wear it to games!

    I have to admit I'm a weirded out by Scientology, but there must be more to this story. She needs to stay out of the limelight for awhile and tend the homefront! I did love Cruise in The Color of Money!

  7. Karen thank you for this post ! Me being a coach and my oldest playing basketball year round i deal with this all the time . We who love sports our selves of course are competitive. I tell parents this all the time these kids are out here with a smile on there face for one reason they love the game !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Love that shirt! Today my pastor talked about this very thing and how what we model. He was right on and so are you. My daughter is only in competitive swimming and I have only seen a few incidences of this but I remember when my brother played baseball and my sister played softball in the 70s and I hear it's only gotten worse. These are usually the same folks who think you should get a medal for being born.

  9. I think that one moment of bad behavior by an adult should be reason to oust them from the area. I mean, come on people… jeez.

  10. Our baseball season for my two boys just ended this week. I was so disheartened at the end because of bad behavior. Not just parents, coaches too. Doesn't anyone realize that adults are supposed to set a good example?

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