
We’re talking buckets.
..and speaking of rain…
Since it’s pouring here, I’ve had time to glance through some magazines…
 I don’t normally feel awfully sorry for celebrities
when they go through their hookups, makeups and breakups.
So often it seems so superficial, so plastic, so fleeting.
They ARE, however, emotional baggage just like the rest of us…
and THIS time I have to say,  I feel sorry for Tom Cruise.
Holy cow, talk about being blindsided. 
Some are offended by the Scientology thing…
I don’t know, is it really hurting anyone?
I’m not going to make any friends here, but
I think Catholicism has done worse harm, and I was raised a catholic.
The celebrity life?  The Entourage? 
Hey, it came with the territory, she knew that from the get-go
and actually she wanted IN on it.  
Maybe I’m alone in this,
but I think Katie was really cold in her handling of this particular celebrity split.
I’m getting tired of this barage of her well-planned publicity stunts.
Her NEW face is everywhere!…
the multiple photo shoots, interviews, etc…
all coordinated to appear at just the right time –
immediately after her phone call that shattered more than just some dreams.
A phone call. A PHONE CALL. 
While the guy is at work, after you’ve just paid a visit.  
Really, Katie?  You couldn’t talk face to face?
And just as fast as that hang-up,
the end.
Dad swooped in and cleaned up any aftermath.
Actually, it sounds as if he orchestrated the whole thing.
I’m not sure why I’m so offended…
I know this stuff happens every day
and she obviously was an unhappy woman.
 It was the method that I find appauling
and I wonder if she sleeps at night.  
Into each life, a little rain must fall
so they say.
Tom, I wish you the best, dude…
and although there might be a little weirdness on occasion…
I’ve enjoyed watching your star rise through the years..
I adored your couch jumping antics
and although I may not be in the majority,
I think you totally rocked this look.

23 thoughts on “Rain”

  1. Love the rain pic. We need it soo badly. I can understand how you may feel about the breakup, however, I've studied Scientology, along with several (actually lots) of religions and in reality that's the only way to break free of that particular one. I was hounded for years… That may be the reason for the way it went down??? Who knows about the stars tho???

  2. Rain beautiful rain! I hope the places that really need it are getting some too. I don't want to hog it all:) I agree scientology is no worse then any religion it's all brainwashing. But it's still weird. I think the whole marriage was a contract from the start. She was picked for him because he's afraid to come out and admit he's gay. i have it from a good source. Just saying. I think he's a brilliant actor and hot in this last movie. It's on my long list.

  3. I like him, too, Karen…….no matter what his religion or sexual preference.
    I think it's sad that the whole thing is such big news….when it's really noone's business but theirs.
    NOONE knows what goes on in a marriage, but the people in it.

  4. Love the rain pix. Send some down our way.

    Don't know what to think about Tom. Did seem what she did was extreme. But maybe she was afraid and you never know what you will do when you are afraid. Hard to know on this one…

  5. I base my judgements of actors, on their acting and I've seen plenty enough to think Tom is a great actor. I'm not married to him, so I can't speak to that. He is human and I'm pretty sure his hurt hurts like any other person's hurt hurts.

  6. I have had a lot to say about this, too but I think you wrote about the subject perfectly. And what a coincidence…we pulled out an old movie to watch tonight, Rain Man. It's a classic… Tom Cruise definitely ROCKS!

  7. I'm growing mushrooms, it's been raining so much, so long here. About 2 inches every day for 2 weeks.
    As to Scientology, I've read a lot of stuff that makes me think it's a lot worse than other similar organizations. As to religion, of any sort, if…when it gets away from relationship, it all turns south. I think that's the problem I have with Scientology, it leaves Christ out of the equation.
    Religion, of any sort, is no good when there's no relationship with Christ.

  8. I always thought the way his marriage with Nicole ended was very abrupt, but that was supposedly his doing and caught her by surprise. Who knows what really happens in the celebrity marriages? Very few seem to be what I would consider a great relationship.

  9. can i just give a "ditto" here to what hilary said 🙂

    oh… and we finally got some rain here, too….thank god…what a blessing it was !!

  10. Much of her well timed appearances are for is to draw attention to her new fashion line. Very expensive fashion line I might add.

  11. Sciencetology aside, I think he's weird . . . She was VERY young when she fell under his spell and I think she grew up in the past 6 years. Maybe it was the only way to exit the marriage, who knows. . . But I don't fault her dad for helping her out, that's what parents do. One thing I know for certain, her breakup does not affect moi! LOL!!!

  12. This could of course be a well executed plan on both of their behalf. Perhaps it was agreed for him to be presented as the "left" one for the sake of his career and religion. It wouldn;t look good if he had been the leaver of 3 marriages. He could have given her a bigger settlement to take the fall for this one and given she was the "victim" of his Scientology, they knew the world would forgive her for calling up her husband and planning her escape. I see the whole thing as carefully crafted by their respective handlers. Tom is a smart man, this didn;t happen with him being unaware. Plus the timing of a divorce agreement just one week after the "shock" of it all suggests to me that it was all in the works to begin with.

    From what I have heard, he didn;t even miss a day's work after the incredible devastating blow she dealt him. Plus the timing was quite good also for his Rock of Ages release.

    Interesting to speculate. Too bad we'll never really know. I love a post like this that encourages dialogue.

  13. Love your blog, you are an awesome writer and I follow you on a regular basis. Don't agree with the Tom post – but everyone is entitled to their opinion.
    Enjoy the rain!

  14. This blog – I must take issue with. I feel like you are buying into everything you "read" rather than opening your mind that what you are reading could and usually IS pure bull and spin. I am not buying it that "poor Tom" was blindsided. I've been married long enough to know that if something is tanking in your relationship, you know it. I don't believe a word I have read on this situation or for that matter regarding ANY celebrity news. SPIN SPIN SPIN! (Don't be mad at me!!!!)

  15. No, I can't find myself feeling sorry for Tom and I have somehow, miraculously remained very ignorant of this entire drama.

    Do love that rain tho:)

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