Ramble along with me, won’t you?

 On the face of it, we had a great weekend… lots of summer activities, good food, great weather.  I am grateful for every single day that are able to enjoy the good things in our lives.  This weekend’s snapshots below…

The Mr. harvesting onions… 
and talking business with someone.

Did you know that the onion plant grows a beautiful globe flower?….

and this is what they look like at ground level… ready to harvest.
When the tall leaves fall over, they’re done.

We went to the Chester Sunday Market again…
the men in this house are in love with the belgian chocolate milk we get
from Smyth Dairy and the artisan bread from a local baker…
Look at these beautiful carrots…
And this really big dog!  There are dog water bowls here and there
throughout the market, I just think that’s awesome.
Such a community vibe, kudos to those who put this idea together.

This is my stash….

and it went into last night’s campfire bundles…
You can use any variation on veggies…

There was another bonfire up on the hill….
These kids have all been friends since kindergarten..

I hope they’ll always remain good friends..
one of the jewels among the thorns in the crown of life.
They gathered again on Sunday at the Brownstone Quarry..
We did some of this…

..and there was some intense baby bunny watching…

..wonderful weekend, but I couldn’t get away from
something that’s been bothering me for some time now.
A small group of people in a particular political party
have turned debate on any big issues we have before us
here in this town, into a nasty spectacle.
They slander, they accuse, they use scare tactics
and personally attack those who are trying either through
elected office or through volunteer work  – to improve
conditions on many levels here in town.
It’s one thing to disagree and state your grievances and concerns..
quite another to personally attack, slander, spew out misinformation
and leave comments on news forums that are snyde and sarcastic.
Ironic that the ones who complain the most are not often
the ones who are actually trying to do something to fix the problems.
Sad that this is the climate in our little town…
 and the problem isn’t just here.
On a similar note…have you watched The Newsroom yet?
If you have the time and are so inclined, watch this video below…
..just a few minutes long.
It’s disturbing, yes… but profound as well.
tell me what you think.
But please, be kind in your response. 

21 thoughts on “Ramble along with me, won’t you?”

  1. What a wonderful weekend you had. I love the pictures of all the friends together.

    I watched the video. Was it supposed to make me feel like crying? Well, it did. I teared up as he closed out his oration. It made me feel sad, very, very sad.

    I am sorry you are working against "politics" in your town…that is an awful thing- xo Diana

  2. I hunk that speech from Newsroom is the sad truth of what our country has become. Facts are facts. I wish we could just begin by bringing the manufacturing of products BACK to the US. That would at least be a start. Buy American, if you can find it!

  3. America isn't perfect, but I still believe that it's the greatest country in the world. I am an American and I'm so grateful and humbled to be just that.

  4. Looks like you had a great weekend! !! I love markets they have the best foods. I love the picture of ben sleeping! You know i dont understand politics. We all (bloggers) all share a thing in common ,living simple. Why the world cant be like that to me its common sense. Now days everyone wants to fight, aurgue. Have a great day karen!

  5. The video made my heart fall… it made me admit that we are no longer the best or the greatest at many things. Sitting here trying to think just what we are the best at and not much comes to mind. That being said, I still love this country with all my heart. It's home.

  6. i just watched 4 episodes of newsroom i had on tape this weekend. LOVE aaron sorkin's brilliant mind! can't wait to see last night's episode, too.

    i like the farmer's market shot. and that big newfie!

  7. I don't know what to think anymore…everything is all so manipulated it seems. I still try to do good…I just have made my world a little smaller. I don't think we have to be the greatest country in the world….I would just like to see pride in self and country come back. Making the Olympic uniforms in China was just about the last straw but how long did the news about that last?..and I buy flags now in memory of my dad for different organizations etc…do you know how hard it is to find a flag made in the USA…

  8. First of all – I am going to have to add Newsroom to my TiVo. It looks like a great show!

    Second – your hubbs is so adorable. I have a crush on him.

    Third – those kids are adorable. Seriously good looking.

    Fourth – Everything said in that speech/answer is the truth. We do hide behind all the America Sparkle and are reticent to face the deeper issues. I didn't cry; I was cheering him. It all needed to be said.

    Knowledge is power. We need to get working yes?

  9. Onions must be one of my favorite things to put on most sandwiches and hamburgers, and I love to cook with it as well. I make sure that I stay close to the house after eating some it though! Richard

  10. What a nice weekend you had and thanks for sharing your photos. Looks like the dogs know the best way to relax.

    Politics has gotten so nasty lately it sometimes makes me wish I still lived in a foreign country. But if you think about it, the USA is still the best place on earth to live, even with our problems.

  11. Okay, you know I love your photos, that goes without saying… however… GO, JEFF! That was amazing!!! Might have to put this on my lineup.

  12. I always love seeing those youngsters together, having fun, being long time friends. It warms my heart. And, seeing K there relaxing in one of the most beautiful places I've seen.

    So blessed you are, Karen, but you alredy know that. I can't watch or listen to whatever that was, but politics in general; I'm not very smart. It's sad, really sad; the mud slinging though. I hate it.

  13. Oh, and I love your header! And, isn't it great to have a Mr who can multi-task. I bet he does that a lot. 🙂

  14. Your pictures show me some of the reasons I love summer–spending time outdoors, the farmer's market, even if it is as hot as the blazes!
    I watched the video and it is disturbing–I fear America is losing her soul–but I hang onto HOPE!

    We have a wonderful business here in Little Rock –owned by a woman and she has done WELL! http://www.arkansasflagandbanner.com
    It is located in a historic building in what was an area delegated to blacks only when I was a child. The building which she has salvaged has a 3rd floor ballroom, Dreamland, where some music greats performed–B.B King, Ray Charles, Ella Fitzgerald and others. Best of all the American flags are MADE IN AMERICA!!! You can order all kinds of things for patriotic decorating–even a bikini, which I'll pass on!

  15. Your onions look great! I watched the video I think I may start watching the show too. I believe that we are the greatest country in the world because we learn from our mistakes. I feel we will do better again. I am proud to be an American.


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