He did it again!

I haven’t looked up at the sky yet this evening,
but when I do I’m sure I’ll find a blue moon up there
and three unicorns out in the fields
with purple and green  good karma waves buzzing all around us…
…because the Mr. agreed to another kayak ride,
yes he did, no foolin.
..and on a WORK DAY!
OK, it was early evening,
but still.. this is an accomplishment, folks.
I’ll take what I can get.
For those of you who live near the shoreline,
we started at the little launch area near the base of 145(the bridge) in Westbrook
and paddled all the way down to the marina area
 next to Bill’s Seafood and the singing bridge.
This is himself, all still and zen-like…
 enjoying the osprey and blue heron viewing along the shore… 
It rained hard this morning, making the brackish water murky.
There were hundreds of fiddler crabs on those muddy banks.

This is the railroad bridge….

We went under it…and looking back you can see the train coming across…
Now if I had my GOOD camera, this would have been an awesome shot.

In certain areas the water was smooth as glass…
hard to explain the peace I feel out there. 

 An Osprey nest.. there were several..
this one had baby birds peeking over the side and mom and dad
flying in and out with fish.
 It’s a beautiful thing.

14 thoughts on “He did it again!”

  1. I know exactly what you mean….when I am out there in my kayak, all my troubles seem to melt away…..even the damn headache doesn't stop me from enjoying every bit of it.

  2. That's an awesome shot no matter what camera you used 🙂
    Loved the one of the front of the kayak too, it looks almost like it's made of copper.
    Lovely and serene pictures… I feel rested now.

  3. Wonderful photo's, Karen. Yes, looks so very peaceful.

    I'm sure after you talk the Mr into something, he enjoys it as much as you do. Yes, it's a beautiful thing altogether. 🙂

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