Sport’n Short

 I’ve had longish hair for most of my life…
except for when my mother imposed that hideous
Pixie cut on me back in the day.
Between sporting the Pixie and
those striped matching  Danskin outfits…
you know.. that weird material kind that never wrinkled, EVER?…
..I still bear the emotional wreckage.
Love you, Mom!
a few weeks ago I looked in the mirror and saw
a scraggly haired middle aged woman
whos face looked a bit pulled downward.
Gravity is not our friend as we begin to age…
and it was plain as day that I was avoiding
something that needed doing.
That little voice inside.. you know the one..
said loud and clear…
The HAIR, Karen… DO something about THE HAIR.
Normally this decision is made over long periods of time
as I hem and haw and browse magazines and celebrity pics
searching for that much needed haircut.
Somehow, the two times a year I might have wandered into the salon…
…no matter what the picture was that I had in my lap…
my insistence that it still stay “longish” worked against me
and I didn’t look much different coming out. 
I think it’s sort of a shield, the longer hair.. a layer of protection
between you and the bad stuff
 Or something.  
a few weeks ago I said.. enough.
I called my kids’ hair stylist because she’s really really cool.. just ask them..
and she said.. how about 3pm!
TODAY??… (gulp)
Yes, today!
And so THAT VERY DAY.. I went in.
No plan!  No pictures! Just did it.
And I said… Just cut it. ….Shorter. ….I mean it.
She meant it too…
With the very first snip there were four inches of hair in her hand.
and you know?  It’s just liberating.

The above is when I put effort into the cut…
This below is the reality most of the time.
Still messy yet uplifting in some spiritual way I haven’t yet been
able to put into words. 
I feel LIGHTER….
and lighter is good.  

Today the temps are supposed to soar to godawful.
So I picked peas and squash before high noon…

and I think I’m going to make these tonight…

recipe HERE

42 thoughts on “Sport’n Short”

  1. It looks great on you — your hair is the right consistency for this cute cut. My hair is thick and wavy, so I don't think it would work for me.

  2. Good for you! I had mine cut on Tuesday and it's great for summertime wear. Have fought my fine hair all my life and this time I just decided to go with what it wants to do and had it whacked off. BAH… it grows back, right… but not sure I want it to this time.

    Your cut is PERFECT! Easy breezy looking and great for summertime.

  3. I love it! I had mine cut and colored last week so it feels very fresh right now. I keep mine long enough for a short ponytail which works well for me when I'm riding a horse.

    The pink drinks look delicious.

  4. You. are. BEAUTIFUL! I seriously want to grow up to be just like you 🙂 Ha- I aspire to have hair as long as yours again one day!

    And I need an owl- omg- so cute- orange and adorable- love!

  5. I LOVE it! Yes, you are beautiful!

    Hey, you and Patti could get together about those pixie cuts. I hear about it at least once a year! 🙂

  6. L-O-V-E it, it's beautiful and so are you.
    I hate to admit that my daughter Deb was forced into the pixie cut and the Danskin's also. I'm still hearing about it…lol.

  7. I LOVE your new haircut! Looks so SASSY and perfect on you!!! Someday I'll do the same…just not ready to cut my tresses yet! That drink sounds soooo refreshing!

  8. The hair is so darn cute! About 10 years ago I had my almost waist length hair cut just below my shoulders. Every time I went in, she took another inch off. IF I could have MY way, I'd go to for the spiky pix look! But for now, it's now long enough again for a pony! Something a woman at my age should NEVER have.
    Enjoy your freedom. And hot temps, yesterday we had 107.2 in mid Missouri

  9. I love it when it's messy! That's how it looks just by letting it air dry? I'm beyond envious! You have good hair.

    And my darling friend; where the hail did you get that adorable owl???? I'm in love!

  10. Your haircut is CUTE!! I like the 'no effort' look best. (How weird that we each got fed up with the tired woman in the mirror the same week?) Just this afternoon, a guy I hadn't seen in a while told me I look younger … then he tried to cover his gaff by saying that I didn't look old before … ummm. 🙂

    It's about time for me to get another cut, 'cause the front is heavy and the bangs are long and I need to lighten it up and get a more playful vibe happening again.

  11. I think it looks awesome.
    And get used to it, because as you get older, you will do what 'fits' you, and you won't give a hoot what the fashion mags say.

  12. I've already raved about how much I love it, but I'll say it again… I LOVE IT!

    I desperately need to be liberated! I'm working on it and trying to build my courage.

  13. I love it especially the way it looks in the last picture! My hair dresser stared cutting my hair in 1976 when I was 16 and she was 19. I have a deal with her to not let my hair get too long. I am 52 now and I just want to say I know exactly what Danskin clothes you are talking about! The need to stick to dance wear!

  14. OMGosh- It looks wonderful! It suits you perfectly! Absolutely wonderful. I wish I could do that- I have so much hair that the last time I cut it short I looked like a walking Brillo pad (a BIG walking Brillo pad). xo Diana

  15. Karen, I think it is fabulous! It sets off your gorgeous eyes! It feels so liberating doesn't it? I just had a few inches cut off myself! Have a great weekend!

  16. If I was playing picture recognition, the first word I thought of was "hot." Just saying. But I'm sure it's a cooler cut.

  17. LOL! Looks HOT, girlfriend! And I totally know what you mean. I chopped my short hair almost off last winter and I have never looked back. Spike and cool. NO HAIRSPRAY! I am LIBERATED like you!! You beautiful, hot girl!

  18. Adorable,Karen! You certainly cut it at the right time as far as this hot weather goes:) My mother gave me a pixie cut too…and I still have the same cut today:(

    Hope you added the vodka to that recipe…sounds delish!

  19. Love the hair! Fabulous. Seriously. And the watermelon drinks? Made them. My son liked them but we both agreed they would be better strained. Very very refreshing!

  20. OMG! I have the exact same memories of my mother getting me the Pixie haircut when I was in second grade! I didn't know what I was in for and went like a lamb to the slaugher. My curly blond hair was gone and I looked very unlike a Pixie! I refused to leave the house for two days!!

    Your new cut is the bomb!! Very UN-pixie!

    Grace PS finally reading old posts and I love all the shots of your daughter at the horse shows!!

  21. I just got my summer buzz cut and just in time too. It is hot! The weather… not me nor the haircut. lol

    Berries are great with wild game. 🙂

  22. You look great! What a lift! I went about jaw length before Paris and now it is short, short, short and it has been over 100- 104, 106 and I am SO glad for my short hair!
    xo, Cheryl
    p.s. you are so hot you would look great if you shaved your head!

  23. I love the hair, I am getting some cut off soon. My problem is I don't have a person I love who cuts my hair. My friend Cue did it years ago and she moved to Denver, since then no one has given me a great cut. Enjoy the liberation.
    ps love the blog

  24. I like short too! Even though I'm too big of a baby to do it myself 🙁 I have a tiny head so I need hair to balance out my head and body. If I could run off some of this 43 year old, metabolism skidded to a stop before I realized what was happening, I could cut my hair and not worry about looking like a pinhead :/

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