A picture says a thousand words….

Frasier at the adoption event in March….
I hadn’t seen this photo before, it was posted on the FB page of the
photographer who attended the Old Saybrook Event.

Oddly, Frasier escaped my radar that weekend
until he went missing from his new adopters home
just 25 minutes after leaving the adoption event.

Funny..  but not really….the man came back to get his money back,
because the dog “isn’t a house dog, I don’t want him if you do find him”.
That information couldn’t have been further from the truth.
This Dog is one of the most loving, cuddly dogs we’ve ever had. 
If he could sit in your pocket all day, he would.
Totally house trained too.
I can’t express enough what a great feeling it is
to save a dog’s life, and watch them flourish as
they learn what it is to be loved. 
So next time you’re considering a dog… first look into Adopting before you shop.
Frasier thanks you.  

26 thoughts on “A picture says a thousand words….”

  1. A.M.E.N !!!!

    The look of dispair in his eyes has turned to love and trust in your care, Karen, dear. It's not hard to love something that loves you back so unconditionally. You are one fortunate woman … to have listened to Frasier when he made it known that you were HIS human.

  2. He truly is the sweetest dog! I saw that first hand the other day when I met him!! I can't imagine that couple said he wasn't a house dog! Well, things happen for a reason and the two of you… a perfect match!!!

  3. One more thing, I feel the same way about Ella, she looks amazing now and is finally experiencing real human love…probably for the first time in her life!

  4. Why do people come to events like that if they don't really want a dog? I don't get it! That face is precious!!! He is a sweet sweet boy, and I think he has found his REAL home!

    Your hair cut is so cute short like that!

  5. Those eyes… that would have done me in if I'd seen him. We lost our Ben in February and my heart is still hurting. I want to encourage anyone who loves animals to do what they can to promote adoption. Visit your shelter and just see what you can do to help, even if it's just a donation of dog food. Our local shelter allows me to post their current animals on Craigslist! Fraiser, you are one cute dog…

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