Up the creek… with paddles

Me:  Come on.. lets go kayaking..
He:  (who doesn’t DO water.. or small watercraft that has the potential to tip)
Me:  What?… ok?…
He:  Yep. I’ll be home in half an hour, lets go.
Holy crap.
So I had the boys help me get the boats off the racks in the garage
and put them out on the lawn just so he couldn’t change his mind.
Well he could have, but it woulda looked bad in front of the others.
So, off we went with the boats in back of the old longbed  truck.
We came to the boat launch at Cedar Lake and unloaded the boats.
I told him his feet wouldn’t get wet but I lied just a little.
He got into his boat… oooh sooo tentatively..
and it immediately began filling with water because as you can see…
it’s a sturdy sea kayak that doesn’t want to sink…
 it has holes that fill  up the boat according to your weight, and then
let the water back out as you relax and float on.
He wasn’t buying it.
He: Oh, no.. I don’t think so.. I’m gonna sink!
Me:  You’re not gonna sink. The holes are there for that purpose! No sinking! I promise!
He:  Yeah, ok.. you go have fun, I’ll wait for you here..
(paddling ever so slowly back the five yards to the waters edge)
Me:  GET OUT HERE.  You’re not gonna sink!… and the lake is so shallow
right here you can stand and be up to your knees.  if that!
Me:  I’m not taking pictures.  Let’s go.
 To his credit – He got the hang of it pretty quickly…
learned to use the paddle efficiently and turn.
Me:  Can you take a picture for me?
He:  NO!  I like staying upright! Don’t come near me!
Okay.. give me the camera.. STAY STILL!!!
and let me come to you.
DON’T MOVE!.. I’m coming over.
(Me not moving one inch)
He takes the picture with my phone and doesn’t even drop it in the water.
Good man 🙂
This is me making damn sure I’m not gonna hit his boat
because we’ve made progress.
Once he was really comfortable we had a great time…
a relaxing, sunny, warm day on the lake
and then
…up the creek.

I think this is one of my most favorite things on this earth to do…
Truly your boat becomes one with you and being so close to
nature in this way, on such peaceful water.. is soul soothing.

 This is where we stopped and turned around. I noticed our paddles were wider than the tunnel and I wasn’t sure we could navigate through and back.
You don’t think I was taking THAT chance on this day, do you?

Tonight daughter asked…
“Dad, will you do it again?”
He turned to me and said…
“How long have we been married?”
That could mean I might have to wait another 24 years.
I’m not asking for clarification.

27 thoughts on “Up the creek… with paddles”

  1. I totally understand. I am deathly afraid of kayaks and canoes. Too tippy for me. In fact if I had the choice of canoe or jump out of an airplane, I'd jump. Check out my post today, I copied your ladder, just as I said I would. I like the way it turned out.

  2. Just try kayaking with your husband in a double kayak! It is sure to make or break the marriage:) I have done a little kayaking and have always wanted to do more but I think I want to do it in my own kayak!

  3. I am YOUR husband in female form. I have THE WORST boating luck ever…from being stranded on a sand bar for two days in FL…to having a cruise ship BURN as we getting on….to having both NEW motors (yes 2 of them) go out way off shore in Lake Michigan. Here's the deal- I like to be BY the water- not ON it…unless the boat is permanently docked. xo Diana

  4. So much fun you two had….and it's nice to see that your husband has mastered the same sign language that my hubby uses too. I think it is universal among the male of our species. LOL.

  5. Just recently, I have wanted to try kayaking! We used to see them often in Charleston and as we were walking around the lake the other day, there was a group in kayaks. My hubby has done it and said it was pretty cool. Maybe I can get us out there one day! I worry that my arms aren't strong enough.

  6. Hahaha… hubby would be good to go and I would be the one making those signals!

    Did you take all those photos with the phone? They came out great.

    AND, last but no least… YOU'VE CUT YOUR HAIR AGAIN. It looks great!!!

  7. LOLOLOL!! You gotta love a man who knows hand signals while out for a cruise. That cracks me UP!!

    Beautiful, Karen, just beautiful! I figure Mike will go again about the time he lets you get another dog. 🙂

  8. kayaking is soooo much fun, takes a little time to get used to, but I love it…it is so peaceful! Great exercise also. 🙂 hope he has found a new appreciation for it!

  9. I am cracking up right now!!!
    I even showed my husband the bleeped out picture of your husband!
    That is so funny.
    We love to go kayaking in FL in the center of the stage on Rainbow River. Have you ever been? It is a natural spring fed river… crystal clear. Manatees and beautiful wildlife everywhere.

    Always worry we will see and alligator. That would ruin it for me!!!
    Love this post.

    Let me know what's on the other side of those narrow bridge passages next time!
    I am so curious, I would have gone and gotten stuck somewhere for sure!!


  10. That looks like fun! My hubby and I are not the best at anything that needs paddles. On a trip to the Big Island we went sea kayaking and we were the only group that flipped (twice!) and my hubby still has scars on his foot from the coral.
    Loved the picture!

  11. Awesome- I'd be there in heartbeat! I once went white water rafting and I LOVED it and I am not the big adventurous type. The kayaks look like just my style and speed 🙂

  12. Ah, he's a good sport he is. And I love kayaking like this. Absolutely love it. I love making turns and backing up, and maneuvering the boat. Very fun. Very relaxing when it's calm like this.

    Lovely post ~

  13. My husband and I love kayaking and have a kayak for two. It truly is a beautiful experience. We always try to include food – a picnic on the water. It's one of our favorite ways to dine out.

  14. Oh my God, so pretty.. and FUNNY! Mike you are a good man to do this! Now in 24 more years you can do it again! Do you want to see those kayaks cause now I want one! We go out on our pontoon boat… kind of like a living room on water!

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