Just this

Today is one of those days
 when the weight of things
feels heavier.
Even the sky isn’t sure of itself..
moody, sunny, blue, grey, clouding over periodically. 
It’s the kind of day where I just want to say to the universe…
stop the nonsense.. not one more negative thing, please.
Life can be such a wonderful, wonderous thing…
and there is enough natural disaster to make it difficult going…
So why do we, as humans, INFLICT more.. on each other.
Aren’t we supposed to be smarter than that?
Or are the smarts the problem…
Ignorance would be bliss?
Why do people who come together for a good cause..
who’s hearts are in the right place..
who’s mission is worthy…
let ego and drama get in the way of their good work and efforts. 
That saddens me…and it seems to come between women more than men.
I think CNN is a curse.
Most news outlets for that matter.
Do I want to know about the sick individual
who dismembers an innocent man, violates his body
and then mails his body parts to various places?
Oh, and let’s have the WORLD know about it..
so we can torture the victims family with continual -in your face- coverage..
and give some other sick individual ideas.
Rumor has it Cas*y Anth*ny is selling her story…
a book? A made-for-TV movie?
Say it ain’t so.
People, please don’t buy it if this comes to be.
I’m still flabbergasted that she walks free.
Is it really so hard to be “decent”? 
What is it about the simple act that gets lost in translation.
If every single person could just be DECENT in their interaction with
other humans, other animals,  with the environment.., in politics.
the world would be in such a better state.
It doesn’t cost a dime to be decent, compassionate, considerate, KIND.
Hows that for heavy.
I must be particularly perimenopausal today..
you’re welcome.
I’ve been out in the garden trying to wash all this off
with the dirt.. it’s cleaner out there.. you know?

28 thoughts on “Just this”

  1. I have slowly given up on the news. In fact, I don't turn the tv on very much. I do sometimes feel like I'm living under a rock when someone talks about what has happened, and I don't have a clue… but mostly? I don't miss it. It IS sad and it isn't that I don't care- I tend to care too much.

  2. Unfortunately it doesn't take much to depress me lately, so I've given up on the news. Watching it scares the hell out of me. I don't want to be an ostrich with my head in the sand, but I don't want to know about all the crap going on either. Anyway, the garden is cleaner! That's where we all should be, in our gardens, tending our children, taking care of our homes, and being a good neighbor.

    Ok, I'll put my soapbox away now.

  3. I use CNN online and that way I can pick and choose what a read and watch. I haven't watched any of the face eating thing. I just choose not to know about and immerse myself in that garbage. Really…. I don't need to know about it.

    Wish I had a dirty old garden too. 🙂

  4. Gardens are good. And we need as a society to teach civility as well as critical thinking skills to our children! I've been staying away from the news also. I hate getting all riled up over what I can't change tho I do like to be informed…sigh. Tough call, that.

  5. Karen
    I have always said the media is a curse. They cover ever bad thing that happens. Then it wakes up every nut case in the world. I dont watch the news for that very reason. We are on this earth one time why cant people make the best of it. Have a wonderful day

  6. Oh- I hear you- Some of these things just don't bear repeating to anyone- let alone being blasted to the world.

    Your gardens and produce are beautiful! xo Diana

  7. Yep, exactly why I don't watch t.v. The news will depress ya every time! Keep taking those beautiful pictures…your gardens are lovely!

  8. I rarely catch the news, probably because I don't watch much TV, I watch reruns on my computer. I don't know if people are getting stranger or if we're just hearing about everything now. (I tend to think they're getting stranger).
    Your yard makes me drool (it actually makes me green with envy, but I hate to admit that…oops, guess I just did)
    I hope you day/s get better.

  9. I do not listen to or watch national news anymore. None of it is worth a minute of my time. A bit of time in the car listening to local news on the radio, and I'm good. I figure that information on anything earth-shattering will make it to me eventually … until then, I don't need or want to know the details.

    Oh, my, that view of the back of your house is wonderful!!

  10. … forgot to say that I felt pretty much the same way today. Spent the day with a friend, both of us playing hookey, visiting another friend in her garden. It was a glorious waste of time, and a great way to recharge the old psyche. I'm on the upswing.

  11. How is it that we are miles away; but, seem to be on the same path?? I know the feeling, the despair, the frustration … why, why?? The answer never comes…

    Good idea … playing in the dirt… I would have loved to if it hadn't been raining for the last few days… maybe, tomorrow. Dirt cures all ills.

    Find JOY in all you do. (Sometimes this is hard … but; keep trying.)

  12. I don't listen to news on tv much anymore either…I mean who needs to know half of the stuff they like to repeat over and over and over? Much nicer in the garden:)

    And look at that broccoli!

  13. I too try not to watch much tv…but the hate and ridiculousness in the world can't be escaped. I frequently say to my daughters and any other women who will listen that if girls/women spent as much time working together on things as they do trying to tear each other down, we would have surpassed men a long time ago. It astonishes me.
    Oh, why didn't I plant broccoli 🙁

  14. I never never watch CNN. For the very reasons you are talking about.

    Am I behind on some of the news – yes I am. But I just can't take it so there it is.

    Yes little girl! Get out in that garden. The richard's and asshats of the world will always be yakking about something horrible some crazy did, but we don't have to know about it.

  15. You mention Casey Anthony briefly in this post, I un-proudly lived pretty close to her when I lived in Florida and all of that mess was going on. It was on the local news for what seemed like every day, and If there is a book from her I wont be helping putting any money In her pockets from any sales. Richard

  16. I've been feeling the same way. It's too much … makes me want to go hide away in the wilds and become a hermit. Almost. Love your photos. Have fun playing in the clean dirt!

  17. No, I will not be buying a book or watching a movie or anything concerning that evil person.

    The photo's are lovely; I needed to see these today.

  18. I couldn't agree more. I'm a great believer that what is in our minds creates our experiences and I don't want all that rubbish shoved down my throat. I don't listen to the news at all anymore. I look on line and stick to things I want to see, the good stuff! I also believe that for one moment, if each and every one of us in the Universe took the time to choose a "good" attitude and just decided to be happy, we would have peace on earth. Sounds so easy doesn't it? By the way, love your beautiful garden.

  19. Karen, I bless the day Dave decided to get that gizmo that records the t.v. shows we want to watch. I haven't seen "regular" t.v. in years and don't miss it at all. Life is too short to waste it on stuff that makes me sad or angry.

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