Day trippin to Newport – Part 2

On our way to Newport we stopped at an Antiques barn on Route 138
where they were holding a Bottle Club gathering.
These folks are very proud of their collections..

Did you have a pair of these?…

This is a 1700’s cobblers bench. 
I love seeing a piece that is well worn from trade use…

Down the road near the University of Rhode Island is this house…
charming architecture… but the paint job would give me a headache
if I had to look at it every day.

 Finally.. the Wharf!
..a shoppers paradise..
and food options galore.

You won’t see green slate roofing like this in many places…

These are bath bombs, not cupcakes.
The fellow selling them was very interested in letting me know this.
I already knew because I used to sell them in my artisan shop.
The idea that that I used to sell them in a shop seemed to put him off.
When I asked to take a picture of them because they were so pretty, he said no.
I did anyway. 
 What’s wrong with people. 
We didn’t tour any of the mansions this time around,
we’ve seen the ones that interest us and were here more to just
relax and wander.  We did stop at this place on Bellevue Ave…
to take a picture of this beautiful wing. I love the design…
It was clearly a public building of some sort with a big driveway and
many parking spots with concrete bumpers, some  reading “reserved”. 
We pulled in and I pointed my camera…
and a very old man in a little sports car pulled up to us immediately and asked
in a very snippy tone if he could help us. 
Mike said “can we help YOU? We’re just taking a picture. “
He replied “it’s not public property”
which clearly wasn’t true.  It was DEFINITELY either
a Chamber of Commerce building, or a public meeting house of some sort.
I wonder what PMB stands for.
And it was wide open to the main street and public.
No one puts about 50 concrete parking bumpers, Park HERE signs, etc. in their front driveway.
Again… what is wrong with people.

 These below are two  private residences nestled among the mansions,
so I respected their privacy ofcourse and stayed on the street…
but you can see the opulence everywhere..
just another way of life all together.
This cottage is right down the road from Doris Duke’s mansion..
so charming!….and probably worth atleast $2 million.

We landed where we always do…
along Ocean drive and settling for a while
at Bretton Point State Park.

Along the water’s edge are these beautiful rock formations…
soft, smooth greens, whites and even purples…
This is where I steal a few pieces of Newport Real Estate
for my little side porch perennial garden.  

The water is crisp, clear and cold…
with aquamarine hues when the light filters through the waves…

I’ve always felt that salt air and water are healing, in more ways than one…
and what better place to be than standing on one giant lucky stripe rock 🙂
I hope you’re having a relaxing Memorial Day weekend…
and to all those Veterans who’ve served and those serving..

23 thoughts on “Day trippin to Newport – Part 2”

  1. I wish I did know what is wrong with some people. They're crabby!

    Those stones are amazing – well, everything in all the photos are amazing, but those stones!

    I love rocks. I try to not be like the movie "The Long Trailer," but it's hard to resist sometimes.

    I haven't gotten a new rock in ages.

    What a lovely day your guys had.

  2. I love it- Amazing pictures all the way around. Love that you took pictures of the BATH BOMBS anyway-what an idiot~ It sounds like an awesome time! xo Diana

  3. Oh I could sit forever on those rocks, wrapped in a sweatshirt, watching the water and those sailboats…and hey, nice picture of those bath bombs!! hahaha!

  4. I think these folks need to get over themselves. Fighting the camera is a losing battle in this day and time.
    The only battle I'm willing to join is the battle of the flash…now that's annoying!
    Other than that, beautiful photos!! There's so much of the U.S. I have yet to see!

  5. It's so disappointing to realize that so many people are just NOT nice! Seems like I'm running into more and more people who are just plain rude! Love your pics!

  6. Beautiful pictures as always. Looks like a perfect day to meander around Newport.
    Yeah, what IS wrong with people… public property is indeed public. That guy was probably some old f— wanting to seem important.
    PMB could be 'private mail box'?
    Do you have Newport part 3 🙂

  7. God is great
    Beer is good
    People are CRAZY!

    So glad you took the pic anyway, and I had no idea about the bath things, they sure do look like cupcakes! 🙂

  8. I read in a book that "as long as my toes are in the sand, I am o.k." and that is so me!!! Those pictures are just beautiful!

    What is wrong with people??????? That is crazy and wouldn't we all be o.k. if we just worried about ourselves!!!!

    I had roller skates like that before I got my big white ones with orange wheels with large orange and white pom poms on them!!

  9. What IS wrong with people these days!! I have gotten into a bit of trouble a couple of times while trying to photograph…one time while on the boardwalk in Atlantic City…I just happened to be at a Victoria's Secret store and they had this really cool dresser I wanted to photograph…the security guy chased me out of the store!! Then, in Key West, this homeless guy was charging like $50 bucks to pose with his "birds / parrots"…I snuck in a picture and ran like hell! Got it anyways!! Sounds like you had a wonderful day Karen! I just love your day trips. I can close my eyes and pretend I'm right there with you!!

  10. Great day, thanks for letting me tag along. I haven't been to that part of the country in almost 10 years. These pictures sure make me want to go back.

  11. Doing some catching up here and I see that you drove right through my town:) That antique barn is withing 3miles of my house! Hope you found some fun things there to buy!

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