Where do you go…..

…to decompress?
Do you have a place  you escape to
when you need to air it out..
breath it in…
let it go?
I find a walk in pure Nature
is the best soul soother,
stress reliever, reminder..
that we are oh so small in this big universe.
It has a way of telling me to
just be in the minute and enjoy what’s before me.
We all need to do that now and then.
If I could just bottle the scent of those glorious beach roses….

23 thoughts on “Where do you go…..”

  1. I get in the car and drive. No one else with me, not even the dogs, and I take a drive … it doesn't matter where I'm driving. Some loud hard rock on the radio or iPod helps the decompression process, as does a large cup of afternoon coffee. An hour or so of this, and I'm usually recharged and ready to take on things at home again.

  2. I have several i love nature . Theres one place theres nothing like being at the beach at night feeling that breeze off the water. Have a great holiday weekend.

  3. Walking by the water is always the perfect spot but not always nearby so I have to pretend I'm there.
    My 'escape to place' is the Vineyard and since I only get there once a year, if I'm lucky, I have to settle down with pictures or books or random thoughts to transport me there.

    Walking in the park with granddog is another great place too.
    Is it just me or does the last picture look like a curled right hand ???

  4. Would love to live close enough to a large body of water where we could go and decompress once in a while. As it is, we are 5-6 hours away from the ocean… Love that you can get there so quickly and enjoy the water's edge. 🙂

  5. So sad, but many times when I really need to get centered I work out. I wish I did that more.

    Or I just go in my head and then I can be anywhere I want to be!

    But if I could walk where you are I really would.

  6. That is so pretty, some nice big houses too.
    I decompress by walking by my river ( ends up in the ocean) or when it isn't winter, I garden. I have talked through many problems with just myself and some weeds.

  7. Well, you know where I go…my yoga mat! But a walk near the ocean can soothe my soul just the same!! Water is so healing isn't it? Love the first pick of the beach roses!

  8. You guys live surrounded by such beauty. I'd go with you if I was there.

    As for me? I'll let you know later; chaos is wearing thin here. 🙂

  9. I like the beach in the very early morning hours and/or around 6ish pm once most of the loud, crazy people are in bed. I especially love it when the waves are so loud that they're all I can hear 🙂

  10. Well, it used to be the beach, but now that I am NO WHERE NEAR A BEACH… it seems I go to Super Target! I have to find myself a good decompress place that is more natural!

  11. I miss the ocean!!! How I wish I could live near the ocean! I would have to agree with Jemsmom….TARGET is my Happy Place! And bookstores….I could spend hours and hours at Border's. I'm so sad that they closed!! There is a Barnes and Noble about 40 minutes from me…so I can go there, but it is a bit far!! I LOVE to shop! My stepdaughter says I should be a professional shopper!

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