Goin to the Dogs

  I couldn’t take it anymore.
The shame was just too much.
.. most difficult were the constant disappointed looks from my family.
I called the helpline and begged..
Can you meet me?  Anywhere?  I NEED YOU..
I’ve messed up and I can’t fix it…
 it’s just getting worse
every.. time… I try.
The reply was immediate.
Meet me at the XXXX parking lot at 6pm,
no one will bother us there and I think I can help you
but it might not be pretty at first.
These things take time

If you live in Connecticut
and are in need of Mobile Dog Grooming Unit services…
Let me introduce you to Lillian,
owner of  Goin To The Dogs …
She’s awesome 🙂
She’s also one of my new friends who volunteer
for Shelter Dogs… has a few herself!
Thank you, Lillian ~ Frasier thanks you too.

24 thoughts on “Goin to the Dogs”

  1. Our Schnoodle needs regular grooming and I've learned how invaluable a good groomer can be. We tried to do it ourselves once and never again. I pay more for him to have his hair cut than I do for my own. : )

  2. I think every little boy has suffered at the hands of a well-intentioned parent with a set of electric clippers. How wonderful that your friend was available to relieve Frasier of his shame. My, my, my … that is sure one handsome dog!

  3. Frasier is stylin' now!!! Glad you posted this, Ella and Miles are so stinky lately and desperately need their nails trimmed! I'm always so afraid to do that! I'll have to give Lillian a call!

  4. I think mobile grooming is such a great idea, although it would never work for our ranch dogs. Much better to drop them off at Petco and pick them up when they are all clean and smell good again. Frasier is just the nicest dog. I am SOOOO glad you found him that day.

  5. What a handsome fella! My neighbor constantly clips her Pomeranian herself with scissors…I tease her all the time bc he is soooo embarrassed when she gets crazy with the scissors 🙂

  6. He's so cute! I don't blame you Frasier; I would have called her too! But, she meant well; really she did. 🙂

  7. Ahh, he's feeling good now.
    I used to groom my Springer Spaniel, and he would run the perimeter of the yard with his head held high, as if to say " I am it!!!"
    My collie I had groomed, she totally ignored me when I picked her up and once we got home. By evening though I was again worthy to be her friend.

  8. C'mon, you don't give yourself enough credit. It does take a while to get the hang of it, but you DID NOT do a bad job. Keep practicing. Remember, hair grows back… just ask my kids!

  9. OMG…the beginning of this post made me laugh right out loud !!!

    thank god you called the "helpline"…..i bet everyone is feeling better now….and looking fah-boo-lus 🙂

  10. It is a mess when I try to do it myself Karen! I did spring for the really good clippers at $200 and it made a little bit of difference, but I just could not get the hang of it! I do great straight on the back. Forget about the legs and the belly and the shaping of the head!

    Frazier is positively adorable and I bet you love him more and more every single day! SOOOOO glad you found him!!! Or maybe he found you??

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