One of my favorite places on Earth


ave you ever visited a place for the very first time and had the immediate feeling of “home”?  This is the case for me and Martha’s Vineyard, Mass.  My first trip was as a young adult visiting my aunt and uncle, who rented a house there. It was love at first sight as we cruised into Vineyard Haven Harbor on  the ferry…the sailboats.. the sea captains homes… this beautiful rustic seaside island not far off the coast.  Looking down off the bow, the cold water churns a  clean, clear deep turquoise and navy blue.  I knew right away I could live there very happily.

 How to describe the Vineyard vibe… well, unfortunately it has become very popular during summer months over the years with celebrities and politicians…. particularly Presidents.  This has made it a very populated touristy destination and real estate prices have soared.  There are lines at ice cream stands, waits at the restaurants, traffic through the towns,  but you can also get away from it all to the more rural parts of the island… Menemsha, Chilmark, Aquinnah… Tisbury.  There are country fairs, Illumination night at the Campgrounds, artisan flea markets, Organic produce stands… horse farms and trailriding, sailing, biking at it’s best.  The beaches!! ooh, that wild South Beach… beware the undertow!… but behold the beauty.

  This morning I booked a long weekend at the end of the summer for the family ( kids agreed to go! I think they like us!…. at the moment) and already I can smell the salty sea air and taste the Black Dog fish & chips.    I check the real estate market on island occasionally, waiting for just the right little cottage to come up for sale at the right price. So far it hasn’t happened and maybe it never will, but the search itself brings me joy, imagining the possibilities regardless of  whether they ever unfold.

  Below are pictures from previous trips…
Waiting for the ferry…
My two with  a cousin at Gay Head Beach…

Bike riding in Edgartown…

 Joseph Sylvia State Beach, great  for those with young children who
want a quiet surf….

Edgartown Harbor

Gay head light… Aquinnah

Just below the cliffs is a nude beach if you’re so inclined….

Edgartown homes…

South Beach

Campground Cottages in Oak Bluffs…
If I won the lottery!…. well, you, too can own one of these
charming seasonal cottages for about $500,000.
Not bad considering the location!…

Vineyard Haven Docks at the Black Dog Tavern…

Just a magical place…
When I look back over the pictures,
I see so many smiling faces…
Looking forward to the return “home”.

29 thoughts on “One of my favorite places on Earth”

  1. Oh Karen these pictures remind me of southport NC. I love little towns on the water! Have a great day! !!

  2. Your pictures brought back so many memories for me, too! You are so lucky to be going back, I've always wanted to. We stayed at an inn in Edgartown and I so remember all the hydrangeas in bloom! It will be a new experience for you now that your kids are older! Have a great time!


  3. We have always, always longed to visit there… I love reading books that immerse you in the culture and the beaches and the waters of the Vineyard. Sigh… what great memories to have and awesome photos… you look stunning 🙂

  4. YAY Karen – I'm so excited for you and your family. Perfect time to go and enjoy all the magic and adventures the Vineyard offers.

    I LOVE the picture of South Beach, when during the day did you take it?

    I'll be there this month myself and hopefully again in the fall.

    Thank you for a beautiful post on a place we both hold dear.

  5. Loving those houses with all the gingerbread and colorful paint combinations. Great that you get to go for another visit this year. 🙂

  6. It looks wonderful. It's a place I've never been too… can totally see myself sitting in one of those white chairs on the porch of that cottage.

  7. WOW! It all does look really "magical." What precious memories those photos surely hold! I can't wait to hear about this year's trip…

    AND those HOUSES! AMAZING!!!!!

  8. PS—

    I'm always amazed at the holidays people spend thousands of dollars on to go to Disneyland…when there are place like THIS to go to.

  9. What beautiful family memories! Moments to cherish…you all look so happy! What is it with the hydrangeas there? They always seem to flourish!!

  10. What wonderful, wonderful, wonderful family photos. You just never know…maybe a little place will come up when you least expect it. xo Diana

  11. Beautiful family photos!

    I love this blog post as my husband and I are heading there next week for the 1st time to celebrate our 10 yr wedding anniversary! I can't wait!!!!

    Kelly –

  12. i've only been once…about 30 years ago….and would love to go back !

    you haven't aged at all in these photos….i'm totally serious. you look exactly the same now as you did then….NOT FAIR !

  13. This was a real treat, Martha's Vineyard on my Bucket List! We've never been that far East and I dream of going to all those places you mentioned. Last night I dreamed I was on a big boat out int he ocean going somewhere, maybe a sign! And I could easily eat that lobstah dinner for breakfast…

  14. very nice crisp images, and im sure you folks had a great time with each other…….Id like to invite everyone to a post I've just published honoring the TV show "Big Valley", and also actor Peter Breck. Included with this post are 2 personal recipes that was sent to me by Peters wife Diane, so please stop by and say hello and share your memories of this classic TV show. Richard

  15. Oh my, a place I have always wanted to visit. In some ways it reminds me of places in Nova Scotia. I follow and she has a WONDERFUl blog in which she often writes about Martha's Vinyard where she lives. Right now she is on an ocean voyage and trip to England. I know you will LOVe her blog.

  16. Your pictures depict a totally different place than the one I went to in 2010! LOL! But I know how you feel. That's how I feel about Block Island!

  17. Karen, love the photos and would love to visit Martha's Vineyard. Are you familiar with artist Susan Branch? She lives on MV but just took the QE to England so she's not home now.

  18. Ah yes….Martha's Vineyard…one of my most favorite places!!! Having a whole crew of relatives that built houses and sold real estate on the Cape, I went to Martha's Vineyard every summer…I sure do have wonderful memories of that place!!! One of my most favorite things to do…when we were a bit older…was to ride a moped around the island…hair blowing in the breeze…nothing like that salt air to bring back the best of memories!! It is kind of sad though…my aunt that we spent the most time with just recently passed and they just sold her house…that place took a little piece of my heart with it. My brother and I are in mourning. We only have one aunt left there now. What a wonderful weekend you will have….my favorite time to go is late August….to the September timeframe!! Less Crowds!!

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