Whats growing here at This Old House

 We’ve finally gotten much needed rain and I don’t mind the dreariness at all.
I love the sight of green, happy plants
and the smell of fresh spring earth.
All the shrubbery we planted around the house last year has almost doubled in size…
a mild winter saw to that.
 Perennials I heisted from our old house when we moved here
are thriving.. I’ve done this every time we move..
taken a piece of my old gardens to the new..
This is an idea I got from another blogger, Pam  – http://ouradventuresinhomeimprovement.blogspot.com/2012/04/ladder-for-garden.html
It will also have two birdhouses on the top step.
Now I have to figure out what to plant in all the pots and tins.
Any ideas? Full sun most of the day.

This is what you call an EPIC FAIL.
Our Italian gardener friend Louie said it would be alright to put the tomato
plants in as long as we covered them if frost were predicted.
It’s too early, folks.  
Sometimes I think Louie just wants Mike to learn the old fashioned way.. trial and error..
instead of giving him the information straight up, the easy way.  
It is what it is.
Funny Video about this very thing… (Thanks Di!)
PS.. some curse words here, so if you’re offended or have children nearby,
as a commenter pointed out… be warned.

The greenhouse that my two guys built has really come in handy…
I’m starting a small rose garden around it.
Here you see the one Julia Child I planted last year and a few peonies.
The rose is very happy – I recommend this species highly!
I’ve ordered three more to complete the border.

Inside the greenhouse are my zinnia seedlings, oregano, parsley and a few remaining
tomato plants that escaped the treachery outside.

 In the big garden the blueberry and rasberry bushes are thriving…
Broccoli is happy….

peas too….

Hay fields are rich after all that chicken sh*t drama…
..and Opie, Max and the minis are grazing the good life.
Max is showing his age more this year (25!)
and it’s been more difficult to keep decent weight on him.
The horses are wormed regularly, and
he already gets the maximum amount of quality grain he can be fed safely.
They also get good quality hay besides his pasture grazing.
Any horse folks out there that have experienced with aged horses?
Any suggestions? The vet says he’s healthy and his owner isn’t concerned.
This horse is such a gentleman, we’re lucky to have him here.

Opie is fat.  Middle aged life agrees with him very well, thank you very much.
For him I need to be careful that he’s not fed too much or too rich a diet.
Same goes for the minis, who fatten up very very easily.
“Who you calling FAT??”

The chickens are ecstatic about their new free-roaming ways..
I just worry about the coyotes.

My little Seaside Garden (wishful thinking at it’s best!)
 has filled in nicely this winter with all the  wonderful warm weather
beach walks we’ve taken. I’ve gathered pieces of shells and driftwood with each walk.
This is the first year for the phlox to bloom and it looks happy.
I need to complete the border with it.

Frasier is now a full fledged member of the family,
used to the routines.
He’s more confident that I’m COMING BACK
every time I walk out the door without him,
and he’s made a great pal – Bailey.
Ben could care less.. just stay off his bed.

 This might be my longest photo post yet. If you’re still with me,
thanks for tagging along and I hope you have a great day.

24 thoughts on “Whats growing here at This Old House”

  1. You might want to add a warning before the video to the language used in case little ones are in earshot 😉
    So glad Frasier made a pal. They look adorable in the bed together. Your pictures are beautiful.

  2. All of it so beautiful. I know I will miss the large yard of my Texas rental house, but will be spoiled with beach walks. My "secret garden" I'm told at the back of my townhouse has gone wild with vines, so I'm looking forward to see if the jasmine will be blooming when I get there. I so love the smell of it.

  3. Everything is looking great! !! I hope you have a great day. That picture of Ben got me laughing what a gentle giant
    have a good day! !!

  4. Gorgeous! I love these photo posts so much- you've inspired me to get out and take a look at whats springing up- slowly it is transforming around here 🙂

    The ladder is so cute- such a great idea!

  5. we had an aged mare that came to us a bit skinny, then got sick and lost a lot of weight. she had few teeth so couldn't chew well, either. after trying weight-gain supplements, etc., we finally found a 'one-and-only' feed. it is a self-feeder (safe for the horses to eat as much as they possibly can w/o fear of founder/colic, etc.) it was pelleted like dog kibble. we began to feed her a bucket of it – locked inside a stall every morning and every night so that the other horses couldn't get to her. she fattened up really well on it – healthy as a horse for her age. maybe something similar available up there…

  6. Long post? Yes. Too long? Nope. Love looking at your place, it's amazing. And that green house…looks more like a vacation rental. Spring is agreeing with This Old House for sure.

  7. Herbs I say, HERBS in thy tins and pots.

    All I can say is I'm glad you're doing all the gardening and not me. That said, you'll naturally enjoy its bounty. 🙂

  8. I love that movie clip and laugh absolutely every time I have seen it. In fact I really need to watch that entire movie again… I'm going to turn the volume WAY HIGH and laugh my butt off.

  9. What a wonderful post. It is too early to plant outside here, too! I love all your sweet gardens AND that greenhouse is wonderful.

    I suppose you are buying MORE tomato plants? xo Diana

  10. Your gardens look great! And don't be so hard on yourself about the tomatoes, I was given some amazing white squash plants from a cast mate & I lost them too. 🙁 But she is kindly giving me more. Love the photos! It is like a small visit…..we must get together soon!

  11. Loved this post, so awesome to see how your place is doing. Obviously fantastic. Gotta say I'm a bit jealous, but the truth is I couldn't keep up with. Beautiful home and land!

  12. Everything is looking great. You guys really have green thumbs. I always enjoy seeing what's going on around this old house. Wonderful pictures! 🙂

  13. Loved it. Your garden looks great and so do your horses. You could try to feed the elderly horse good quality mash. As for the plants on the ladder: do you know Lobelia? The blue one that is often used in hanging baskets? That would look very pretty I think. But I'm sure you'll make a beautiful display of that ladder anyway 🙂

  14. what a happy and very alive place you have. it's truly beautiful !!

    of course i loved your little "seaside" planting area 🙂

    and the best part…i didn't get one tick from being with you while we toured all over your property !!!

  15. Very nice, I have an old guy he's well um lil over 30 was looking pretty bad as spring came on . The new pasture was so great he looks and feels so good right now. My best tip make sure his teeth are ok. Our vet uses power tools and it doesn't take too long! Best of luck! Every year I am thankful he made it to see another spring!

  16. Can I please just come and live with you, Karen?
    I could move into the greenhouse and tend to the seedlings for you! Please?

    I adore what you have done.
    Your home gets better and better with every passing season.

    Just gorgeous.

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