A forgotten village

 My camera made me do it!
I trespassed today, but I also happened to stumble on
one of the heirs of this quite literally deserted village while trespassing (dang)
 and he did graciously give me permission to take some pictures.
The incredible story of Johnsonville
can be read here…
no need to reinvent the wheel.
I did take better pictures though..
here you go.

 Disregard the “c”… it was BUILT in 1899.
This picture was taken today –

The heirs are still mulling over how they’ll proceed
with this,  their inherited charge..but for now, she sits empty.
Strange feeling, walking among these buildings.
Ghosts? Depends on what you want to believe..
but one definitely feels something… a longing perhaps.
A palpable heavy sigh whispered from every shutter, every eave…
the lonely village awaits rebirth.

27 thoughts on “A forgotten village”

  1. Oh my how i wish i was rich ! ive always said if money was no object i would love to redo a old town just like this one !!!!! Have a great night !

  2. So glad they let you trespass. I hope someone takes care of these beautiful structures before they decay beyond repair.

    And you go girl, write whatever you want on your blog…if you aren't offending someone, then you probably have a boring blog, that's my theory! 😉


  3. What beautiful structures. Stunning really. Such a shame that places like this aren't always revived as they should be. Hopefully this place will find a new life.

  4. OMMYGOSH… She's beautiful!!! She looks hauntingly lonely.

    Have some of those structures been re-done? Some look to be in really good shape.

  5. Oh- How haunting. I have to go read the link to it now. Did you feel like you were in the Twilight Zone? What a great old place!!! xo Diana

  6. What great pictures (you DID take better photos!) and I too remember it at Christmas time, so pretty! Sad it's just sitting there.

  7. Karen, I did the wedding of the owners daughter many years ago, at the chapel, and then went into the Inn for the reception. They had a horse and buggie to take them between locations. They also have a nice waterfall for pictures and also had a small paddle-wheel riverboat…..a really nice place….sorry it's in such disrepair.I hope someone buys it and fixes it up!


  8. What I would give to wander this town and mArvel At the buildings! I'm such an architecture and history junkie. That place is a wonderland of incredible ideas and historic vignettes. Wow!

  9. Oh my gosh, what a beautiful village. Kinda reminds me of the movie "The Village". Did you see that? Beautiful photos Karen. Probably are ghosts there.

  10. What a treat that must have been to wander about…. I bet you about filled up your camera memory with photos!! I wouldn't have been able to stop shooting!

    Any chance you'll get invited back and get to go inside?

  11. wow wow wow….i totally would have loved that place and you know i would have trespassed in a heartbeat with you 🙂

    and ghosts….i love them. as long as they don't come with me, i'm good !!!

  12. What an interesting story. Hard to believe they had a hard time selling it for 3 mil back then. Seems ripe for an historical foundation to bring it back.

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