A Gift.. it is….

….How very lucky we are
to have the ability to form these awesome relationships
with dogs.
When at the beach the other day, I met a woman
out for a walk with her cattle dog. No leash required..
he was at her side without it.
If you pay any attention at all…there’s no question, the intelligence of dogs.
They are far more forgiving than humans.
Love… unconditional.
Breaks my heart that so many are abused and mistreated
as if they were throw-aways.
These two had such a bond.  Just a look from his person
and he understood.. come this way…lets go over there…
stand with me and marvel at this vast ocean of life

13 thoughts on “A Gift.. it is….”

  1. I so agree. I don't know what I'd do without my pup. I'm hoping to get to the point where she will walk beside me without a leash. Ah, knowing her, it's gonna be awhile. 🙂

  2. I feel the same way, Karen. I find it amazing how dogs communicate with their owners. Mine convey things with just a look or their body language. I just love the connection.

    Your pictures are just beautiful, as always. You really should have a website offering prints.

    Have a wonderful (warm) day.


  3. You know what they say, the reason that dogs don't live as long as we do, is because it doesn't take them as long to figure it out.
    I LOVE my ROY.

  4. Beautiful photo, and such a sweet post. It's so true about animals; the one thing I can attest to about Hopper Henry-I can open the fridge for anything at all and he pays no attention, but somehow SOMEHOW, he knows when I'm going in there for cheese! 🙂

    It is really so very sad about the number of abused animals; you are such a wonderful advocate, Karen. I love to hear the success stories also.

    I don't know if I ever told you about Beatrix Potter aka Miss B, or BB. Anyway, many years ago I got a phone call from a co-worker that she'd discovered a beagle puppy by the trash bin. My friend couldn't take her because of other animals, so she called me. Well, my brother had said in the past that he didn't want another dog. But, I called my nephew and he & I went to pick the pup up. She had been shot (a flesh wound thankfully) but left to die.

    We took her to my brother and told him she was his birthday present. 🙂

    He loved that dog more than he loves me. LOL Miss Bea was around for many years, she developed or born with epilepsy so they had to watch her closely along with meds. That was one man who LOVED his dog and took such great care of her. When she passed away a couple of years ago; well, it was terribly sad. 🙁

    Here I am, writing you another letter in the comments. Just tell me to hush up! 🙂


  5. Oh I love my dogs! My new(ish) Westie, however, is on a leash probably forever! His mission in life is to chase anything that moves. But he is a love and I don't know what I would do without them. What a lovely photo, Karen! Throw-away pets…don't get it.

  6. Yup, dogs are the cats meow. Couldn't be without the love of my life. Madigan is sassy and energetic and keeps this mid century gal movin in a good way. She's also the best running partner I've ever had!


  7. I agree, Karen. I can't stand to watch those commercials on tv about the poor abused animals in shelters, etc. I end up bawling my fool head off. xo Diana

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