a Reflux Remedy

When I was younger I could eat anything.
Hot wings, hot stuffed cherry peppers, pizza,
coffee, Enchiladas, horseradish anything,  stuffed jalapenos!
Not so much.
Dang this acid reflux.
I have found a remedy that helps when I’m in the throws
of a flare-up.  I had to pay a whopping $95. for the report that
swore it had the saving grace, the remedy to beat all remedies
for sufferers of Acid Reflux.  The Cure!
Yes I was suckered.
But the remedy does actually help.
I drink it as a morning tea.
Now I have to warn you, it’s not palatable to everyone..but I happen to like it.
Adding more honey to your taste preference helps.
Here it is.   I’ll save you the $95.
2 tbs. Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar
(with the Mother – which means the “pulpy stuff”.)
2 tbs. (or more) Honey
Put this in a mug and add hot water to make a “tea”.
Sip until gone.
Speaking of all these delicious foods…
here’s a link to a recipe I found this morning over at Sam’s place… YUM!