A request

I received an e-mail  this morning from a friend who lives down the road. I don’t know a more courageous group of women…”C” has lost her husband and son to muscular dystrophy, and her two daughters, both in their forties, are afflicted as well.  When her children were born she did not know of her husband’s eventual diagnosis, which is hereditary and passed on to offspring.

Good-morning all….

* Maryellen  started with a sniffle Sunday morning in church. She didn’t want to expose anyone to germs and went to the back of the church during the “passing of the peace”, not to shake hands. You just gotta love this girl.

 Monday afternoon she called  – her husband was taking her to the Yale New Haven Hospital ER. Four hours later she was released. Her xrays looked good and in fact they were better than the ones taken in July when she was admitted. They gave her some pills and sent her on her way.

Tuesday AM, while at my weekly Bible study I got a call from my daughter *Erin.  *Maryellen  was in trouble and needed me. Her husband  was at work in Norwalk…..a good hour and a half away. I’m only 20 minutes away. She had called her doctor and he wanted her to go the the ER in New Haven. He even suggested she call an ambulance. “OH NO”….was *Maryellen’s response. “My Mom will take me”. Well Mom is getting a little too old to handle these situations again……but Mom did. God is so good to me and gives me the strength to do what is needed.

*Maryellen’s  O2 sats were 82 and heart rate 118 when I arrived. I boosted her O2 up to 5 liters from 3 and drove her to the ER reminding her all the way that she needed to call 911 in the future. They could get there quicker than I and had all the necessary equipment on board to treat her quickly and could start an IV. Have you ever noticed when your talking to your kids and you know when what your saying is going in one ear and out the other?????

Well, 7 hours later  *Maryellen was admitted. During those 7 hours we found out she had a collapsed lung, given fluids via IV for dehydration, and allergic reaction to an IV antibiotic, a shot to take care of that, then vomitting for a good 45 minutes, another shot to take care of that, about 10 bottles of blood taken but only after they brought in a machine, ultra-sound, to find her veins. By the time she was put in a bed on the 6th floor she was exhausted and looked like she had been in a battle. Well…..actually she had been.

It was time to head home for me. Picked up a delicious cheeseburger at Burger King and sat in the car with visions of sitting by a nice lake, sipping a real good red wine, dining on a good steak, baked potato, green beans and romantic piano music playing in the back ground……..Boy do I know how to dream. All this while listening to Steven Tyler and Aerosmith singing Dream On…. There is nothing like hearing Aerosmith when your down in the dumps. On my bucket list is to see them in concert someday.

Back home I had the glass of wine, watched the results from Dancing with The Stars and so happy to see Pam Anderson go home. Oh What A Night!

Prayers please for my girl *Maryann  and her hubby *Daniel.


Blessings all…”

So I’m sending a request to all you prayer warriors out there… say a few for my friend “C”,  *Maryann,  her husband *Daniel and  sister  *Erin.     They’re fighting one heck of a fight and I truly believe in the power of people coming together, sending healing thoughts out into the universe. 

23 thoughts on “A request”

  1. A fellow Aerosmith fan? Darn right I'll send some prayers. What a battle they're in. Your friends will be in my prayers tonight.

  2. Absolutely we can pray for this family. The stress they must feel from continually trying to fight off disease on top of illness is like running uphill continuously. Will pray for strength and endurance, peace and healing!

  3. I was feeling a bit down in the dumps when I sat here to read stuff, and this story made me realize that my piddly problems are nothing compared to this. AND your friend sounds like a totally wonderful person. I love how she made what truly was a terrible day for her and her daughters into such a story!

    Good thoughts are heading north. Thank you for putting things into perspective for us.

    Hugs to you, too, my friend.

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