A Voice from the Past

   Below is a link to a fascinating and horrifying article/Interview aired on 60 Minutes regarding War and Humanity.   After my previous and fairly heavy post, (thank you to all who participated)  I wanted to share my garden with you to lighten the load…but this came up in the news and I feel it’s so very important to share..   This is a must read for anyone, and it’s not a political statement, it’s a humanitarian statement. 

  I bet you join me in this…. I’ve often wondered “How could so many people follow and carry out the hideous orders of a man like H*Tler. How did that atrocity happen not so long ago? Especially in a well educated and supposedly enlightened Europe?… This man  in the article/interview below was in the heart of it, has perspective none of us possess.

 We need to learn from history and stop repeating mistakes.. we need to stop turning the other way, avoiding making contact, afraid to make waves because it’s a little uncomfortable.   We need to trust our gut instincts and have faith in truth prevailing. We need to voice our concerns in any way we are capable and willing to do so…even if it’s a little blog like mine or a facebook status. We can’t move mountains by ourselves, we can’t toss boulders, but we can at the very least toss pebbles, those little ripples traveling farther than you would think.   It matters, it’s important, let’s not allow our humanity to fall at the hands of the few elite who have use of the bigger platforms and abuse them. 

Please take a few minutes to click on the link and read.