A walk in the woods

I am determined to stick with my walking/yoga routine atleast four times a week. There is no doubt I feel so much better about just about  every.single.thing  when I am taking decent care of myself. When I slack off, I feel like I’m slogging through my days.  Something I have found useful –  A mantra I use when I’m about to eat something…. “Is this nourishing my body? .. or polluting it.”   
Yesterday, despite the dreary misty grey day that was supposed to be sunshiney and warm, I took Ben for a walk at my favorite State park. I am asked at least once on every public walk with this dog… How much does he WEIGH??… when I say 190 lbs… some folks back up a few feet, which is kinda funny. Yesterday a man said.. “but you don’t weight 190 lbs.”   Since this fellow wasn’t the friendly looking sort… I replied… “… I know, right?…” as if I wasn’t any more sure of controlling the beast than he was sure that I actually could.
 Enough said.
By the way.. if you have a dog that pulls when you walk him/her….
buy yourself an Easywalk harness… they are incredible.
Because of arthritis in my neck, I really can’t have a dog pulling on me constantly.
This is one of those simple products that works wonders, and it’s very humane…
no choking of the dog at the neck.

I love the old hardware on this cabin….


Walking is one of the easiest, cheapest and best forms of exercise you can participate in.
No matter what your weather, make some time for yourself and just do it.
I find that changing my location frequently gives me more motivation.
Even if it’s just a different route in your own nieghborhood. 
If you have state parks  within an hour drive, make use of them! 
Here in Connecticut we are very lucky to have access to many beautiful areas
for walking, hiking, biking…and kayaking!
But that’s for another post.
It’s a new day – make it a good one!

16 thoughts on “A walk in the woods”

  1. I need to start asking myself your mantra before I eat. I can be pretty weak when it comes to chocolate and peanut butter 😉

    For breakfast this morning I had leftover Italian Sausage and Bean soup, which is a weird choice but healthy and it hit the spot. All this cold pouring rain made me want something hot and comforting!

  2. I need to give up the gluten again, or at least cut back. It's making me feel like a slug. How nice that you have such pretty places to walk. And such a handsome partner to share it with.

  3. Beautiful pictures. I often let Trooper bark like crazy at strangers when we are walking, and I don't let him be petted by someone I don't know. Not that he would hurt anyone ever. But they don't need to know that.

  4. You have The FItness Connection mindset! Workout your body and your mind connects! Everything is better when you are working out in some way, shape or form.

    Got my harness and planning a walk with Daisy soon. Just not today! LOL!

  5. Good for you! Nothing better than bringing yourself outdoors for some exercise. Great new mantra, I'm gonna use it too! And as far as that collar goes, I sure hope it's as good as you say because Miles pulls something fierce when I walk him! I need one! Super pics as usual 🙂

  6. That's a beautiful walk! I can't imagine you not getting enough exercise, with all the chores you already have, but I'm sure the extra walks are much more pleasant.

  7. What a beautiful place to walk! Love it.

    Hopper Henry is not a walking dog; believe me I've tried. And, the other day I fixed a nice place for him to be outside and have a little freedom. Do you think he appreciates it? Nope. And, when I go in, he has to also.



  8. I'm trying to walk some every day. Our weather is nice here but I get so busy that I don't take time. I sure feel better and sleep like a baby when I walk every day! Great photos. Still thinking about how much the dog weighs! WOW!

  9. I've been sticking to my new exercise routine ever since my Triglyceride number came back high after my physical. That was enough to keep me scared and committed to exercise and eating less carb filled comfort food. That means no matter what the temp is here in Minnesota I'm out and running around the lake that's near my house. No excuses, unless, it's 5 or more degrees below zero. Then it's yoga or kick boxing. I take my golden along on my runs and she's a puller, even with the Easywalk Harness! I'm like you Karen, when I take care of myself I feel so much better.


  10. beautiful….if only i had a spot like this to walk outside….instead this morning i was on the treadmill and bored to death 🙁

  11. Oh how I would love to do photographs in front of that cabin!!

    I have to get moving. My large behind is wogging (walking/jogging} a HALF MARATHON in 5 weeks!!! Have I done anything to train… NO. Am I going to die. Probably!!! Oh well, at least I will be at Disney!

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