A whole lot of random, but useful just the same

   I took the tree down yesterday.  It was indeed a pretty tree… My mother thinks that’s a travesty but ’round here – when it’s over, it’s over.  My neighbor across the road just put hers up on Christmas Eve. I know that’s a tradition going way back, but it seems a month behind to me.   That wasn’t useful, was it. 🙂 
   A great article in the Huffington Post  HERE   on the 7 habits of chronically unhappy people… I think everyone should read it and evaluate and perhaps… adjust accordingly.  I wouldn’t say I’m an unhappy person but I am indeed a worrier.  Worriers should read this article too.  Really – click on the link, it’s worth the effort. 
   A fantastic recipe I made last night, shared by a good friend.  I used Almond flour instead of regular flour and let me tell you, folks.. it was delicious. Devoured in an hour.   I recommend it highly, with the glaze.  Of course, once I devoured 1/4 of the loaf  before bedtime, I was up all night due to the sugar content, I’m pretty sure.  I’ve read articles that claim sugar really doesn’t make people/kids hyper, but I think that’s just crap.  It gives me palpitations and a racing heart if I eat too much of it… every time.   So you’d think I’d stay completely away, right?   *sigh   right. 

           Another plane absolutely completely and totally…missing…..
 this is getting really… really.. strange.
Anyone got any theories?  I’m not going to post mine.

UPDATE:  Debris found….  

“There’s this youth culture that is really, really powerful and really, really strong, but what it does is it really discards people once they reach a certain age. I actually think that people are so powerful and interesting – women, especially – when they reach my age. We’ve got so much to say, but popular culture is so reductive that we just talk about whether we’ve got wrinkles, or whether we’ve put on weight or lost weight, or whether we’ve changed our hair style. 
I just find that so shallow”.
–Annie Lennox, who just turned 60.

Related in a different way – a very attractive, very fit friend of mine in her mid forties is
so very critical of herself – her appearance and the beginning signs of aging
 – and it’s an awful thing to witness.
… we need to stop the self torture, really.
It’s a privilege to age and it’s societies unfair standards that have brought
us to this. Lets stop the nonsense. Every morning when you look
in the mirror, truly see the beauty that is before you.
Do you have crows feet?  You must have lived some happy times, because
you’ve been smiling.  What a gift.
Do you have laugh lines?  Ditto.
Stretch marks from child rearing?
What an accomplishment… a miracle!
Kind eyes?  a generous mouth?
 Allow yourself to recognize your own beauty.   Just that.


We have a new year upon us… 
Resolutions…what say you? 
 I plan to be kinder to my aging self…
to embrace each day, even the trying ones.. because indeed every minute is a gift. 
to try my best to be a positive force on this earth
and not  a user, or a taker, as my deceased father in law would say.
A Happy, Healthy, Peaceful 2015 to all!