A whole lotta white

The good news is.. the winds weren’t horrible
and while there were many power outages, we and most of  our
friends and neighbors still have power.  That’s HUGE in this area lately.
The bad news is… HOLY CROW, we’ve got snow.

Last night, after we had already shoveled twice…

This morning on the front porch… There are three steps to get up there.  

There are actually stairs to get up to the little side porch with those sliders too.

Four foot drifts up the sides of the house…

Took 20 minutes just to get OUT the DOOR this morning…

Then another 20 to get to the garage  for snow blower…

He’s not having fun yet….

He’s not either.

…working on path to get to the barn to feed horses….
and up to the back equipment barn to get the bulldozer…
because that’s what it’s gonna take.

21 thoughts on “A whole lotta white”

  1. Karen – you really got hammered… how much snow did you get?
    We were lucky in nw NJ.. only about 10 inches.
    How long will it take to get dug out?

  2. OH MY Goodness You got pounded. Glad everyone is good tho.
    Love the light through those paned windows with the snow sticking to them. And that last photo with the really tall window above the couch. Holy smokes…

  3. As an off-white enthusiast (junkie), I have to tell you how perfect I think your exterior paint color is. Often white houses look too yellow or sometimes blue against snow, and yours looks like cream up against milk. Love it. Enjoy all that snow!!! I am so very jealous.

  4. I believe I'll wait til spring to visit you. Holy mackeral king fish. I don't know how you endure with getting out there to work. You guys are awesome!


  5. Definitely an all day affair for your family to get through this. It's gorgeous and provides lots of moisture, but you gotta wonder if the creeks will rise when this all melts off.. yikes.

  6. Truly a beautiful image….I don't think I when I lived in New England I ever saw that much snow at one time. Stay safe and warm!!

  7. Beautiful, but…wow!!!
    My hubby's corporate headquarters are out of Danvers, MA and his admin gal sent out pictures today of her 30+ inches (still falling) there. We just came back from a long walk in the hills, here in Oregon.
    Have you ever had this much snow before?

  8. Sometimes it's not the amount of snow but the drifts that make shoveling a challenge. Still, that's a lot of snow.
    Glad to see you're okay and with power. I have relatives who live in Winthrop who are dealing with the snow and high water levels.


  9. My hubby and I both sat down and looked at your photos today! What amazing pics! I sure hope all the animals got fed and you are all safe and snug inside now! What a terrible storm! Sending you some warm hugs!

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