After the rain

 Last night we had a much needed thunder and rain storm
although it was much too brief.
I love the smell of the damp earth, 
 the feel of wet grass on bare feet
and especially the light on the remaining raindrops
as the sun reappears with the disbursal of storm clouds.

It’s one of life’s reminders.
When you’re in the middle of a storm
and things look their darkest..
Remind yourself that there will be light again…
and renewal. 
Another reminder.. this one from Karen.
Stop worrying about what everyone else might think.
I say…if you’re so inclined…
 go ahead and wear those ridiculously dangly $3.00 earrings
and let them catch the light.
(even in dirty jeans shorts and a horse slobbered t-shirt)
You only live once.

32 thoughts on “After the rain”

  1. Pretty shots!

    As for the pickles – I just bought one of those pickle making packets at Walmart – I think it was around $3 and it makes a whopping 7 quarts. You just add vinegar and water to it and follow the instructions. They have great flavor! When I did research online looking for dill pickle recipes, so many people were just saying to buy the packet. So that's what we did!

  2. We had storms on Monday afternoon. Rode home from my mother-in-laws house (45 minutes) with our daughter in her new Jeep, most of that time was fighting blinding rain. Fortunately, Daughter is a good driver and I didn't scream even once. Rain is good. It loosens up the weeds.

    Who cares even a LITTLE what other people think??? Certainly not me, or you, and life is much more fun this way. What I find is that people appreciate this and I get folks to follow me off the beaten path. Dangly earrings look great, BTW.

  3. We are never too old to wear dangly earrings. NEVER. And I think every piece of jewelry looks best with blue jeans and a t-shirt. Just my humble opinion. :-)))

  4. Great images Karen, and i can say we were lucky to recieve some rain on Tuesday. But we still need more. Richard from the Amish community of Lebanon,Pa

  5. Loved this post and totally appreciated you after the rain photos. I can hardly wait for the opportunity to make my own.

    Can't do the earrings, though. I have never worn them for some reason.

  6. Beautiful! We saw the most amazing rainbow this week, too! And I got my second hole piercing in each ear this year so I am trying to figure out good combinations! I'll have to pay attention to what YOU wear! I love your style! ♥

  7. Those don't look like $3.00 earrings to me!! least kidding! I am lucky that I never really cared what people think of me…I know what I am and that is enough…great photos and we have been trying for rain the last five nights..maybe today!

  8. LOVE RAIN, LOVE STORMS and I am glad you LOVE to wear those chandelier dangle earrings with your horse slobbered shirt.

    (A horse snotted on me once when I was four and my mother took my dress off of me and then there I was in my panties. Scarred me for life…that is another story.)
    xo, Cheryl

  9. These are beautiful shots, Karen! I love the rain glistening on the plants. I have a pair of earrings very similar to these and I wear them all the time!


  10. I love a good thunderstorm and the way everything glitters like diamonds afterwards. You've caught it all brilliantly.

    I LOVE the onions and the rows with puddles, but I think my favorite is the tomatoes, still dripping with rain, while the sun breaks through beyond. GORGEOUS!!!

  11. Very sage advice, and people like me would not believe earrings could even be found for 3 bucks! You definitely captured the glory after a rainfall- breathtaking photos.

  12. We keep having threats of rain, but no follow through. Now there's a tropical storm on the radar??? Seems it's feast or famine. Great shots!

  13. Beautiful photos! Everything looks rejuvinated from the rain!

    I'm working on not caring what people think about me! I'm much better than I used to be but still have a ways to go! Great post!

  14. I've always wanted to let myself go and wera those kind of earings…perhaps once we find a place in CT, I'll just do it! Thanks for the encouragement…:)JP

  15. Oh so beautiful! I needed this, so thank you.

    And, I wore my Dollar Tree sunglasses, and $3.00 Goodwill shorts the other day. LOL

  16. We had a little sprinkle with lots of thunder and lightening this morning — made it even more humid, if that's possible.

    Love all the flowers and plants, etc…, with the raindrops still fresh. Favorite kind of photos.

    And you wear any damn thing you please, dear. I'm sure you look mauvelous! 🙂

  17. Always wear the earrings!!!! Your pictures are awesome. You have such a wonderful eye for composition. I have a question for you. I have the opportunity to intern with a photographer here in my town. I would do a lot of grunt work for free, but would be learning about all aspects of the business. The kicker is I would have to sign a two year non-competition clause. I am so ready to run with starting my own, but I know that I have so much to learn. Any thoughts?

  18. No matter how much they cost….ALWAYS wear earrings!!!

    And…the next thing on your list will be your new ETSY store!!! Selling these GORGEOUS photographs you take!!! HOLY Cow Girl! These are AWESOME!!!

  19. Love it!! I recently bought me a cheap pair of dangly earrings & have wore them a couple of times. Kinda feel like an old gypsy! LOL

  20. Karen, I've been MIA from this whole blog world…but you wrote a post quite awhile back that I still want to write you a note about. I've been thinking of you Lady! For now, I'm gonna go enjoy some more of your photos (AMAZING) and catch up a bit. Hope you're well!

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