Always the tears….

You know…
it happens every.single.time.
The rallying speech by fearless leader Lorin
at the start of adoption weekend..

Each and every time the bells rings
and a rainbow bandana (adopted!)  is placed around the dogs neck
instead of the orange (adoptable) bandana.
My favorite moment today?
The high fives one older woman in a wheelchair
was giving us and the tears in all of our eyes
..including hers.. as her husband wheeled her and
their newly adopted dog Lilly (see previous post)
out the door.  What a lovely lady.. so filled with joy
to have that dog on her lap.
It was a beautiful thing…
did I take a picture?  NOPE.. my eyes were too filled with tears.
It takes a village to pull this kind of an event together.
And a dedicated village we have.
I am only a very small link in this
strong and powerful chain…grateful for the opportunity.
Adopted! Another Volunteer who took home a “souvineer”.

Adopted.. together with his buddy!
The Awesome Adoption Team

Lillian, the dog groomer extraordinare!

Susie still needs a home.. wonderful dog for someone.
NO, I didn’t bring her home with me today.

These girls sell lemonade at all the Dog Days events and
donate their proceeds.. how very cool is that?

Adopted!!!  Don’t they make an awesome pair?

Sometimes the dog picks YOU!

Tomorrow is another day ..
Hooray for the Underdogs!

17 thoughts on “Always the tears….”

  1. I love all of your posts but these are by far my favorites!! I have no idea how you keep from bringing a new dog home every adoption weekend :/
    My husband did tell me recently that if I bring home any more animals, he would be moving out. I think he's kidding, but I don't think I'll chance it 😉

  2. You guys are absolute saints in my book! You spread good karma, and it will come back to you. Thank you for your outstanding work with homeless pets.

  3. I know it can be so emotional. Glad it went well today. I wanted to come so badly today but couldn't. Hubby is afraid I might come home with another dog but I know we can't right now. Did Tuff get adopted? the 5 month old pit? such a sad story:(

  4. It's very heartening to see so many people pull together for a great cause. I hope today more will be adopted. I was also wondering about Tucker hoping he's adopted too.

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