An Angel Among Us

  In my experiences with shelter dog rescue, I have come across some of the most extraordinary people. Most don’t have a wealth of monetary resources to do the work they do. They give of themselves physically, mentally, and even monetarily, over and over again to improve the plight of homeless dogs and puppies lanquishing in shelters.

 Susan Fischer is one of those people. Not only does she take in abused, neglected, abandoned dogs and cats, but she has adopted nine children and raised them with two of her own.

Susan, far right, with her daughters.

 Susan is loading up a bus  and driving all the way from Georgia today to come to our event to find homes for 35 dogs she has rescued.  Dog Days has worked with her before, and despite the financial hardships of raising all those kids and saving all those dogs on her own, she is the one rescue who ALWAYS complies with all our requirements for the health and safety of the dogs and new adopters.
After getting to know her over the course of several adoption events, I had no idea she had a blog, nor did I know the extent to which she gives of herself to these children and the hundreds of shelter dogs and cats she has saved from euthanazia. 
 We’ll be working  with her this weekend at Petco in Clinton, helping her to find homes for those 35 dogs. Some of her children come with her and help also. Amazing, all of them. 
  During the event, we want to say thanks in a big way to Susan for all she does, and we’d like to make her load alittle lighter this holiday season – if you are local and would like to donate a gift card of any kind, or a five dollar donation toward gas money to fuel the bus she drives to bring her kids and dogs where they have to go…or a wrapped gift appropriate for any of her children,   ask for Lorin or Karen  at the event  and specify this is for SUSAN FISCHER- Saturday and Sunday, 11am-4pm to drop it off.  Or, for those of you who know where I live, you can drop it off at This Old House too. 
  If you’re not local and you want to help Susan’s cause, her blog is HERE…. She has no idea we’re doing this, but I know it will be appreciated.  Become a follower to show her your support, leave a comment, and if you’re so inclined, donate by clicking on the link on the right of her blog.  
  You know I wouldn’t steer you wrong, this is a worthy cause you can believe in.  Let’s put some wind beneath this Angel’s wings….  

9 thoughts on “An Angel Among Us”

  1. You have many gifts Karen but a beautiful and compassionate way with words is way up there – thank you for this post, I know it will be very appreciated by the Fischers!

  2. thank you, karen, for introducing us to this most generous of souls. i donated at her site – not much, but hopefully something to help with the gas costs!

  3. I hope you know you do a lot of good for others! I'm happy to be introduced to Susan and am off to check out her blog. Happy dog adoption days! Thanks for sharing about Susan-she definitely makes me feel like I can do more 🙂

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