Family and Food

A good day was had by all…
even though some of us look a little tired.
Time spent with family we don’t always see,
and food we don’t allow ourselves to eat frequently.
(hello, heartburn… my old foe)
At the end of the day I was more than grateful
for the opportunities we have to be together. 
That in itself is a gift.  
I hope you spent the day in whatever way rejuvenates your spirit.
To me, it’s what the day is all about.
That.. and a mountain of dirty dishes.
They’re calling me..I hear them.

21 thoughts on “Family and Food”

  1. I'm glad you had such a great day! !! Great pictures. I hope to get mine up later today. Have a great day after getting the dishes done!!!

  2. Karen- Happy Day After to you! It looks/sounds like you had a wonderful time with your family. That's what it's really all about, isn't it? Hugs- xo Diana

  3. Heartburn is soooo not fun. Hubby deals with it chronically. Looks like a heart-warming day with loved ones, Karen…. let someone else do the dishes… bleh.

  4. I know they loved you being the host of the family get together. I bet your home smelled so good and was so warm from that big roaring fire. Being with the ones you love is what it's all about. It looked like a wonderful Christmas at your home.

  5. Our gathering didn't look quite that organized and peaceful, but it went really well.

    By the time I got my MIL's kitchen cleaned up, I was worn to a bloody nub! My feet and back were killing me. It made getting home, into jammies and comfy shoes, so extra nice!

  6. Looks like you guys had a very Merry Christmas! My family all gathered here yesterday and we ate way too much too, so today we are all just hanging out in our pjs and relaxing!

    Kat 🙂

  7. Merry Christmas to you! That it quite the feast you prepared and even though I didn't cook- I am rather tired too 🙂 The tree is gorgeous and everyone looked like they were enjoying themselves!

  8. What a wonderful day you had with family and friends! And thanks for sharing your pictures. I love the one of you with your husband and kids. It all went by so fast!

    Enjoy your week, I hope it's quiet!


  9. Looks to me like somebody worked very hard on Christmas to make a feast and then, the dishes to go with it. I hope you had some help. There's nothing like family at Christmas (as long as they help clean up)! Loved seeing your beautiful family pictures. It's so fun to take a peek into someones life. The food, the cozy fire, and that fruit punch with ice mold. Fantastic! If I ever get my energy back after Christmas, I'm going to make one of those for our next occasion.

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