And then there were four….

  So, momma bird has been sitting on her eggs in the industrial side of town….

 And I had to do something to help her out,
seeing as the dogs run by her little nest every five minutes.
A little privacy and protection from driving rain was needed.
When I checked on the nest yesterday…
there were FOUR eggs, not just two.
Why do women always make things harder for themselves,
I wanna know.

Speaking of baby birds…
the chicks are about two weeks old now and
with the exception of loosing Ethel,the barred rock chick, on the second day…
all are doing well and GROWING FAST…
I doubled the brooder space by putting two boxes together
and have put shavings in the bottom instead of paper towels, which I was changing
twice daily. Fun!! They get an occasional cooked egg yolk or oatmeal treat.
I’ve also raised the heat lamp so that they will begin to acclimate to outside temps
and their feathers will grow in properly.

Ask me how much I love my chickens already.
The  guys are outside this morning trying to create irrigation for the mud pit  garden.
We’ve had so much rain, the water table is very high in the lower fields next to the house.
This kind of mess always puts Mike in an awesome mood

22 thoughts on “And then there were four….”

  1. Ohhh, how cute are they? Love the blue eggs! I could see myself falling in love with chickens as cute as those chicks are too!

  2. I hope those eggs make it…the one time I found a nest low enough for me to photograph the nest was suddenly completely empty one day…it could have been anything.

    Love those chicks!

  3. You lost Ethel, as in misplaced or to the chicken coop in the sky?

    Sure hope momma bird and the little ones make it. One or two would be much easier to care for. Maybe she will figure that out next time.

  4. I love your chicks! Every time you post a picture of your land, I'm so impressed. What a beautiful place you live in!

    Have a great weekend.

  5. Mom's looking out for other Mom's…it's what we do! Looks like you guys got a drenching too. There was flooding in NW Arkansas, the road that comes along the lake to get back to our house was covered for a couple days with several inches of water. Luckily, we have a "back way" we go. I will never get anything planted, I've just faced it and will have to buy any tomatoes this summer. Can you tell I am in a swell mood too?!!

  6. Squeeeee! Baby chickies!

    Hey, I'm updating my blog roll right now and am going to add your blog. When people have buttons, I've been using those. I see your button for Roba Dolce, what is that? Does that link back to your blog?

  7. Poor Mike… but YAY you and your cutsie little chickies! Hope all goes well with them.


  8. Those little chicks are awesome. Did you name them yet? Rain and all, the place looks great, and how nice of you to put up a little protection from the rain. Softie

  9. Your baby chicks are so cute! We also have a small litter of chicks and can see how easy it is to fall so quickly in love! We love sitting around and watching them.

  10. Oh your little chicks are so pretty. They will no doubt be the most spoiled chickens in the world. Our weather gods should have a meeting. It's too dry over here. Why not a bit of our weather over at your place and just a little bit of yours over here eh?

  11. Have you named them yet? That's my problem, I want to name everything.
    In the past, I've been guilty of making more work for myself but not recently. I've got Dave to do that for me, now. -grin-

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