Another Day for the Dogs

 The line up for this years adoption events is taking shape… next up?  Dog Days in Saybrook, May 18 & 19th.  Flyer posted below if you are looking for a new four legged family member.  Last year Frasier came to be a part of our family after being brought to Dog Days in Old Saybrook… amazing how fast a year goes by.

This is Frasier at our event, waiting for his forever home. He had been rescued from a kill shelter, all matted and filthy.    He was brought to the Saybrook adoption event by his rescue group. 

He was then adopted by an older gentleman who came with references. He decided to let Frasier loose in the first fifteen minutes he owned him, and then decided he wasn’t worth looking for. This IDIOT came back to our event and asked for his adoption money back. Yeah… go figure. He was refunded simply because we wanted to try to find Frasier and KEEP him away from the delinquent. After three days of searching his neighborhood we found Frasier.

You all know the rest.  
SO!!  Here we go again!…

13 thoughts on “Another Day for the Dogs”

  1. What u coming home with this time ? Lol I hope they all find homes ! Hope you have a great day and weekend good luck with all the dogs

  2. Adoption dogs, and cats, are the best kind!! (says the woman sitting on the sofa with a cat on her left, and a dog on her right.) I hope the crazies stay away and that all the dogs go to wonderful forever homes.

  3. That man didn't deserve him! That snuggle bug on your lap was meant for you! I wonder who will pick you out this year to be their Mom?

    Lisa in Fort Worth

  4. I can't believe how fast the time has gone since you got Frasier. He sure needed a good home, and found one with your sweet family.


  5. Idiot, well, that's one way to describe that guy, I have other suggestions I'll keep to myself.

    Good luck with the upcoming event, and can't wait to see what YOU come home with next.

  6. I wish I could adopt another dog for Tiah to have as a companion, but I just can't afford to feed another.
    Good luck with the event.

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