Another Day for the Dogs

 Actually, a whole weekend… dedicated to finding over 100 shelter dogs and puppies new homes… this weekend at the Branford Elks Club on Montowese St in Branford. If you’re local, come on down and meet all these wonderful dogs looking for their forever homes.  More information here.   There are many puppies, small breeds and mid to large size pups and dogs on the roster this weekend… below are just a few faces in the crowd.  All are healthy, vet-checked, fully vaccinated, temperment approved  and ready to be a part of someone’s family.  

 If you’re not looking to adopt at this time, there are other ways you can be a part of this great dog saving weekend.. Come have a burger, dog or chili, served by WPLR’s Wigmaster!… browse the Dog Days general store for pet supplies and check out our silent auction and tag sale furniture.. All  proceeds to benefit shelter dogs.  There will also be Halloween treats for the kids!

 We are very excited about a  jewelry and key chain line designed by Mickey Johnson of Nicholas Landon Jewelry.   Mickey has donated her time and expertise to designing these beautiful and affordable pieces made of sterling silver , copper and genuine pearl, some leather pieces as well… all for the dogs. We will reveal our necklaces and keychains at the event. 

Barney, a beagle mix puppy 

Cookie, A terrier mix pup
Coriander, a lab mix pup
Kenny, an Australian Shep mix pup
Sugar, a Feist Rat Terrier Mix puppy
Spirit, a boxer pit mix girl

22 thoughts on “Another Day for the Dogs”

  1. Oh they are all so cute!!! My husband has made me promise not to stop at our local humane society because I will bring them all back! sigh…and for now we have a full house.

  2. Love your blog and what you are doing with dogs! Good thing we don't live too close because I'd be so tempted to scoop them all up! If we lived rurally I know I'd have more dogs, horses too – grew up on a farm and it's true what they about that. The farm is part of who I am – always – even here in silly suburbia. Someday…….

  3. Aww, I hope sugar gets a home. Actually, I hope they all do, but sugar…what a cutie. I've said this before, but what you do for these animals is really great.

  4. I wish i could take them all, but my own little guys wouldnt welcome them like i would. I do hope they all find a loving home. Richard from Amish Stories

  5. dang, Karen! I had 2 blogs open and just sent the right response to the wrong blog…dang!
    So, what I said to whose other blog??? was, so many animals and not enough homes, always. 3 of our 4 are rescues and we're always open to more dogs to love. Dave tells me we're going to end upon the Drudge Report…Cove couple have 56 dogs…he says that like it's a bad thing, you know? -LOL-

  6. I wish you the best of luck in finding homes for all those sweet faces. God bless the people that take them and the people that place them. xo Diana

  7. I want them all!!! Those faces are adorable! Our girl Murphy is a mutt, but after seeing several rat terriers, I swear she has that in her! Oh my… I love these babies!

  8. I know it doesn't help, and I feel really guilty for not being able to rescue them, but I too want them all. Who can resist those sweet faces? I hope they will all find a really nice, good forever home. Keeping my fingers crossed and sending positive vibes their way.

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