Another Old Soul

  For more information on this wonderful old place and it’s evolution thanks to the generosity of many volunteers… click the link below.  If you’ve ever heard of  Arlo Guthrie and you live within driving distance, perhaps you’ll want to catch his show this November too…

If these walls could talk…

One can only imagine the many generations of footfalls up and down
these stairs as the decades rolled along……

  Beth of Be Yourself…  this ones for you, kid…
 Joey… there is a morning glory patch that would bring you much JOY.

Lynn… what an excellent place to have a yoga class, out among the fields

Vicky of The Westra World.. this ones for you. 

The old stone barn…

 Hilary of Crazy as a Loom, I know how you feel about the rocks around here…
I watched this fellow wiggle along the surface of  the water
until he grabbed hold of a blade of grass.

I didn’t know they could do that!

  Next time we’ll take Ben on a hike along the trails….

16 thoughts on “Another Old Soul”

  1. Karen- What a great old house! Love it…and you have to smile at the 70's wallpaper in the stairwell. I also love the barn and rocks…and the flower shots are awesome! Great post- xo Diana

  2. that is totally my kind of place…all of it.
    i think the best thing ever is the pink patina left on that door {was it a cabinet door}

    oh and thanks for the shout out….
    i kind of love those 🙂


  3. Love your photos! I've been to the Parmelee Farm website, a number of times, including recently, while you were without power. I was afraid I was going to have to try to call someone, to go check on you. Thank goodness you were okay. Yes, I'm a worry wart.

  4. You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant (excepting Alice).

    Love him!

    Those flower shots are amazing as always and forever. Gorgeous.

  5. Love Parmelee Farm! The trails there are lovely to hike and take in all that natural beauty!!! Janice and I took a little tour inside the farm house at the Dog Days event…there were so many meandering rooms and stairwells!

    Your pictures are spectacular…let's go for a walk there soon…

  6. You know I love those rocks!!!!!! Awesome.
    Love the house. Love the barn…..
    Heart be still!!!!
    You're getting pretty darn good with that camera girl.

  7. Oh my heart be still! THat house is glorious but what makes my heart go pitter patter is the old stone fence. I love them and so does the hubby. Those are one of our favorite things in Ireland and when we see them here, we get giddy. That one is definitely giddy worthy! Gorgeous pictures!!!

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