Answers to the Grey Mare questions…

 1. It’s a doorbell ringer!  You pull the knob out and it pulls a cord that rings a bell! No electricity required.  Some of you knew this!.. I’m impressed.

2. A shutter dog, or holder.  Most of you knew this 🙂

 The owners of the property that the abandoned house sits on want it removed.  So.. there would not be a refurbishment right there on the spot.  This means, the BONES of the house would be used again somewhere else.. as we did here with this old house.  Our house sat here on this spot, but we dismantled it and moved it back 40 feet off the road.  The frame of the grey mare, which is still in great shape 200 years later… the mantels, the stone foundation and fireplaces, the wide planks you see in the walls… all good.  The “fluff” of the house is shot.   So, the plan would be to take the house down, having Jeff and his crew once again dismantle and number the pieces, and store them in a trailer until a suitable location can be found to put her back up again.  Jeff and Mike will go take a look again this week and perhaps make a decision.  Otherwise, I’m afraid she’ll be a goner, and that’s just sad.  What a beautiful old girl, can’t imagine how she could have been left to rot for all these years..right on a main road too, in plain sight!

 We did find two previous occupants on the premises… a cat’s remains in the old kitchen and a moldy mouse.  You’re welcome.

Will keep you posted – 

15 thoughts on “Answers to the Grey Mare questions…”

  1. obviously your hubby is very savvy and gifted in these sorts of undertakings, but it sounds completely daunting to the likes of unhandy me. good luck!

  2. Karen wow that house has so much potential but I m sure it would rake alot of money. I look at old houses like that and wonder the history in them birthdays , Christmases, !!! Believe it or not I told Mandy this morning I think that's a door ringer I read a article in a this old house Mag. A couple of weeks ago. Have a great day

  3. wow wow wow…..i LOVE that house and want to do all my photo shoots there…..omg…..we need more of those around here !!!
    ps…i hope somebody loves it and saves it 🙂

  4. I was just in a similar property last night, but it was an old store that friends bought in hopes of bringing it back to life. I so want to save an old house, like this beauty, from the wrecking ball, now if I could just win the lottery!

    Kat 🙂

  5. What an amazing place! How sad to see it unloved…reminds me of one of my favorite books…the Little House…only this is not so little! Hope the ending is as happy as the ending in the book!

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