Are we having fun yet?

 Day before yesterday – sun shining on three feet of snow.. beautiful!
But a heck of a lot of work to do.
Shoreline town where I go grocery shopping..
the Boston Post Road (Route 1)
This is day two after the storm… still much snow removal to be done.
The back of the house is at the bottom of the hill…
the yard is hip deep.
This is hip deep snow in the fields.

Then .. yesterday.. the rain.
and Fog.
and Slush.

This is the same Boston Post Road yesterday.. still a slush puddle.

Today, the sun is shining, it’s 40 degrees out there and
we’ve got a serious mess of melting snow.
I’ve been back to the grocery store every day
because I’ve had a lot of men to feed through their various shifts of
snow removal and thawing out . The stores are running out of “stuff”.
I love my JEEP. 
No trouble getting around at all.
The schools are still closed, as are the libraries and any other parking lots
that haven’t been plowed out yet.  No place to put the snow!
Ben has thrown up three times after going out to romp in the snow..
he eats too much of it and then comes in and pukes up breakfast.
His bed has been washed three times now…an old queen mattress 
Three times in three days.
Do you know how big a pile of puke is when it comes out of a Dane?
three times.
My father’s carport collapsed on his car due to heavy weight of wet snow last night.
Guess who had to stop snow removal operations to go try to pull it out.
I just got word as I am typing this post that his car is OK, just the carport is a goner.
That’s actually pretty great news.  
My husband is in an -AWESOME – mood.
I snapped this picture of a truly joy filled smile.
There are angels singing in the background…
take my word for it.
Just moments before, I may have been
cursing under my breath and kicking tires
while trying to get the gator unstuck from the muck
after attempting to clean the barnyard up.
 I really really didn’t  want to
have to call my spouse to ask for assistance….again.  
I did get it unstuck …
and I might have even genuflected to the powers that be
upon freeing the beast.
The forecast?  Cold again… and …
*.*.* SNOW *.*.*

25 thoughts on “Are we having fun yet?”

  1. You poor guys really got hammered. I don't know how you stay sane. And now more snow? Well, we are here to listen and see your incredible pictures. Hang in there.


  2. You're a bigger help than I ever could be. My arms hurt just running the vacuum cleaner around the house. Can't imagine shoveling snow. You are however making me wish for a Jeep as my next vehicle. 🙂 Maybe you should have filmed a commercial for them!

  3. Oh how I feel your pain. We are on the Cape and just got our power back an hour ago. When the house dropped to 38 degrees we got the kids and pets out and headed to a family members home who generously let us stay….we are a larger crew, 4 kids, 2 dogs and a cat. We are supposed to get another 3 to 6 inches tomorrow night I hear. I can't even imagine!

  4. Did you say more snow !? Wow k ! Hope Ben relizes why he's throwing up I'm sure that is a huge mess ! Have a great afternoon

  5. But, you love cooking, right? That pic of you is SO cute!!

    Love seeing the pics 'cause as you know I wouldn't see it otherwise. You all sure have been working hard, and it sounds like it's not over yet.


  6. Karen – ditto me on the first commenters comment.
    Your fog and moon pictures are incredibe. There's beauty to be seen all around even if you have to wait until summer to enjoy them.
    Hope you don't get any more snow from this next system.

  7. Karen,
    Make sure you make at least an 11×14 of the tree in the field, and the road going up to the barn shots and put them up in the house. The tree shot is extra special! If you don't do it soon, you'll forget…as a matter of fact the tree deserves being a 16×20 in a black frame on the wall in the dining room or living room…..I'm not kidding!!!

  8. so glad the car is all right; could have, easily, been otherwise. feeding hungry folks is a full time job…thinking about food, preparing food, eating food, cleaning up and the cycle begins anew. whew!
    we're expecting a snowstorm so I cleaned out the wood stove and am now as ready as I'll ever be.

  9. Getting power back after nearly three days without means lots of catching up to do! Love all your blizzard photos! You didn't lose power? Very lucky indeed!

  10. what? more cold and snow? wait, that's OUR forecast !!

    i'm done winter. go away. come back in december just in time to make our christmas white and then take a nice long vacation…..sigh.

    can you tell i've about had it ?

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