Red, White and Blue

As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.”
 – George Washington
I hope so too, Mr. President.
 As screwed up as this country seems at times,
we’re still in far greater shape than many out there…
I am grateful and I hope we persevere.
Happy Freedom Day, All –
I’m making one of these versions today for tomorrow’s family picnic…

19 thoughts on “Red, White and Blue”

  1. Your a great friend but your killing me with these yummy pictures this early in the morning! Have a great cookout and happy 4th to you and your family!!

  2. Very American and I like! Happy July 4 to everyone and Id like to invite everyone to my post "Lancaster on 4 wheels part 2 this coming Thursday. Richard

  3. Great quote! Did you know we have the only Constitution that wants us to be happy "… Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Thomas Jefferson was a genius, I love that line! Now I want to go and read the Declaration of Independence! It's not a bad read either!

    Love your cupcakes! I'm looking forward to seeing a post from your 4th of July gathering! Have a safe and happy holiday!


  4. Love your cakes. My daughter made one of those refd white and blue ones for the recent Jubilee. It was gorgeous but we were laughing after at peoples' red and blue tongues! Have a lovely day. Joan

  5. It's too bad old George isn't around today; I like the way he thought. Well, it's all gonna be okay.

    LOVE the cupcakes, can I come to the picnic? Nobody's doing anything here (well, I might hear from my brother). LOL

    Have a great day!!

  6. Any one of those cupcakes would work if it were my family picnic… in fact your'e invited so bring all of them, okay? Especially cupcake #1.

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