Bare wood and the Egg Plant

   Stella’s floors are sanded and awaiting a final coat of stain/satin finish – and then… and THEN!  when the water is turned back on in April on the island (not really an island as it’s attached by land but it’s called that for some reason) … I get to furnish with all those finds I’ve been sharing with you here and decorate!  I’m also looking forward to working out in the little garden areas surrounding the cottage. 
      After all that joyous springlike weather, today we’ve got snow, with really cold temps on the horizon and more snow, up to a foot in the coming week.  Bleh. The dogs and I mope around the house on days like this –  I’ll be on the computer most of the day working on two editing projects for our town.

  The horses are reblanketed, K and I brought more hay down from the back barn before the snow.

 The chickens who live out in the coop have their heat lamp on once again.  As for the littles, they’re doing well – all have survived the first week of chickdom and that’s a good thing. 

 Speaking of the outdoor chicken coop… for the past few days the guys have been renovating it to accommodate the new girls once they’re old enough to join the others.  I call this the Egg Plant.  The sign I made for it originally rotted with rain, I’ll have to make new one. 
Pepper, Ethel, Rose, Ruby and Star, among others,  stood around my feet when I first let them out into the newly wired section clucking away, saying.. OMGsomethingNEWwhatisTHISawesomenessBUTisitSafewheresthetreats,Cheeriosmaybe? 
I’m pretty sure by the cluster of clucks.