Barn Buddies

  When we moved to This Old House from The House We Used To Live In,  I gave up something big.  My barn.  For twenty years I have been taking care of our horses at home.  It’s a big change, not having them right outside the door and I do miss it.   What I don’t miss…. is all the work.  My neck is arthritic from  shoveling manure, chipping out ice buckets, tossing hay bales and shoveling snow away from doors in winter.

    I was lucky to find Opie a very good stable nearby that gives excellent care – great hay.. a timothy alfalfa mix – (any horse person knows really good hay is worth it’s weight in gold)  – and terrific turnout.  The horses have pastures and pasture mates.  We are near trails and the riding ring is huge and has wonderful footing.  The owner is very knowledgeable and lives on the premises.  The combination of all those things is surprisingly hard to come by, so I consider myself lucky.

  But I do miss seeing these faces every day. I miss hearing their greetings at feed time too.  There’s always a trade-off, isn’t there.

16 thoughts on “Barn Buddies”

  1. Ahhhh Karen, he has such a kind eye, doesn't he!! Yeah, there certainly is a trade-off! And the shoveling gets old (or am I getting old?) I'm happy Gary does most of the work but as I get better I will have to do my part sooner or later! And in the winter it is a lot harder!! xo

  2. It was just yesterday that I mentioned to my husband that it would be so easy living in snow country if we didn't have horses to worry about. And yes, you are so right, winter it a tough time for the horse and the horse keeper. But I do love that welcoming nicker/bray every time I walk out to the barn. So for now it's shoulder to the manure fork and snow shovel for me!!!
    btw Your Opie is a charmer! Great eyes.

  3. Karen, they are so beautiful! I know you must miss them and their daily companionship. And you're so right, there is always a trade off. Do you get to ride often?


  4. Karen- I can hear your heart in your words. If you have never loved a horse I don't think you can understand that feeling. I had a quarter horse many years ago..MANY years ago…and I still think about her. I get it–xxoo Diana

  5. I feel your pain. Literally. My Fibro body tells me every day. But, I gotta keep moving and doing the barn work is keeping me from becoming couch-ridden!
    I do think about it somedays.Not having 5 huge lives to care for 24/7!
    But, I have a feeling that Annie and I will be rocking on the porch together in many years to come, when she will be the last one to occupy the old barn.

    Smooches to Opie from me, Annie, and the gang!
    xo, misha

  6. Oh crud. I just thought I was getting some much needed exercise, never thought about artheritis as they say 'round here.
    Opie is beautiful and so glad you were able to find him a good stable. That's so stress reducing!

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