Ben at the Beach

  We live in such a great area for walking, hiking, and biking. Today I took Ben down to the beach to meet up with my sister and her friend for a walk along the bike trail.  The beachroses were in full bloom and the scent was heavenly. 

Ben notices the Bishon being worn as a scarf around his owner’s neck… thinks maybe I should give him a lift back to the car also….  I told him I’de sooner throw a saddle on his back…
I love when a park provides for the canine crowd. Dog owners seem to be very respectful here too.
Wild morning glory, didn’t know there was such a thing until today…

8 thoughts on “Ben at the Beach”

  1. Oh gosh… LOVE the fire hydrant photo withe the daisies in the front… as if Ben is dreaming about it.. LOL.. Very clever photography.

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  2. I love love love that you put a red slash on the no dogs sign and the no bicycles sign. I'm going to do that to the no dog sign at our Farmers Market. There shouldn't be anywhere you can't bring a dog. I really think I should be able to bring my dogs to church!

  3. Okay, rub it in, why don't you 😉
    Our dogs would love to have a beach nearby. Lucky Ben. Did everybody just ignore those signs? 😉

  4. I totally agree with "Cottage by the Sea"!!! Seriously beautiful place to walk or bike! It's really great that you have a place like that right near you!!! Ben is getting quite large…perhaps you should consider a custom built saddle??

  5. Ben you're so handsome! I bet you guys get lots of attention when out and about, especially at the beach! Karen, my kids would love him…

  6. What a great day… I love the beach, but bringing your dog to a pet friendly walk along the beach would be just as great. Ben looks like, a gentle giant, no doubt 🙂

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