Ben & Rudy’s Excellent Adventure

 What a glorious morning at the Beach.
Packed the two boy dogs in the car..
and cruised on down to the water.
You’re not making fun of his sweater, now are ya?
He lost it soon after.

 The sky was incredible…

  And something odd was discovered…
Red sand all the way down at the far end, near the southernmost Jetty….
I have no idea what it is, some sort of mineral?

Ben made a new friend.. we’ll call him Fabio.

Fabio with his Dad…

Heading back down the beach, I found some treasures… shells you don’t find here
when summer people arrive.

Rudy bound around the beach with pure joy, barking at the waves, jumping in and out of the foam…
if only we could all let ourselves go, exactly like that…

 Heading back to the Jeep, we deposited a bucket of shells and 
 about five pounds of sand all over the interior.
She is now broken in 🙂

My kind of day.  

29 thoughts on “Ben & Rudy’s Excellent Adventure”

  1. Karen- What a great looking day! I love looking at your dogs..what a contrast to each other- the long and short of it.

    There is something peaceful and soothing even on a wintery day at the beach, isn't there? Enjoy the rest of your day- xo Diana

  2. The pups are such extremes! They're adorable and look like they had a great time roaming the beach.

    The conch shell with the barnacles on it is such a cool find!

  3. Ahh… warm weather! I completely understand how the sea is a draw. It soothes the mind and body.

    I'm jealous… and that funny sweater is well… who made it?

    I really like pics #7, 16, 18 and 21.

    Glad you all had fine weather.

  4. What a fun day, the beach is beautiful in the winter. That first photo of Fabio made me laugh out loud, the way his hair is hanging in his face.

  5. Lovely, lovely, lovely day! Beautiful pictures, such wonderful "finds" for the day. I too love looking at your dogs. I really get a kick out of seeing them together. Little Rudy is so cute in the water. Fabio!!!! You thought of the perfect name. Great day was had by all.

  6. Guess where I am heading tomorrow? The beach. You have inspired me! I better enjoy it as much as I can before we head to the frozen tundra!

  7. Is Rudy your daughter's dog? I don't know how I missed that…thought you just had Bailey and Ben. I love days at the beach like that! Especially when there is no one else around! Great pics!

  8. Aww – Thanks for showing me what my private beach looks like right now – the red sand beach? I live there in the summer! My fav place where barely a soul goes. Can't wait to bake again to get this chill out of my bones! Fabio? Is that a dog? Haaa. Looks like some mythical creature from a story book…

  9. How nice to have the coastline right down the road. I bet the dogs love to take a romp along the sand. It did look like a perfect day. Love his bright coat. Oh yes, beach sand in the car – Ugh! That's the ONLY bad thing about an outing to the beach.

  10. Mini and Maxi went to the beach…

    Ben looks at Fabio as if he doesn't really believe there's a dog behind those curtains. Sweet!

  11. Looks wonderful. Chelsea would love to run along the shore. I hope some day to take her to the Outer Banks. (My son is in Raleigh, daughter in MD.- it would be a good in-between.) Looks like you had a lovely time.
    xo, Cheryl

  12. I'm not kidding, I laughed straight out loud when I saw your pooch with Fabio. That was awesome.

    Your photos are always so fantastic?

    And what the heck is a Jetty? 😉

    Your daughter is just as beautiful as you are. What a fantastic memory day.

  13. That beach . . . please tell me you guys grabbed that awesome shell with the imbedded shells (I'm certain there's a real name for it – doofus here). I know you guys did.

    Perfect day!

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