The best use for that Keeping Room

…is keeping family together. 

Now that my kids are growing up, (my BABY is FOURTEEN!?!) the moments I cherish are when we’re all together and they’re actually enjoying time spent in our presence.

Scene from a typical day:

You’re such a jerk!
MOM, do you SEE what he’s DOING to me??
You ALWAYS take her side.
heavy sigh, big eye roll, stomp and slamming of door…
OMG I can’t WAIT till you move out of the house
Where’s my phone, YOU took it!!.. WHERE DID YOU PUT IT?? 
You’re such a jerk!
Last night with grandmothers over for dinner, good food and gameboards, there was harmony in the house and laughter filled the air. 

For about five minutes, but I’ll take it.

10 thoughts on “The best use for that Keeping Room”

  1. Karen, that looks like such fun. Always good to do family things together with teens since they usually like to become cave dwellers in their rooms and not do much with the family. I still love those hanging lights!

  2. Love the warm glow emanating from your rooms… and something about kids fighting somehow truly makes it feel like "home." Its great to see you all enjoying the space…

  3. I've had a busy weekend so I missed a few posts…. I love the before and afters in your last post. Your kitchen dining area are beautiful.

  4. It's what life is about!! My kiddies are the same way. Family time is my favorite time. Happy Monday, Sweets!!

  5. You know the amazing thing I am noticing about your house if how the spaces look so usable. Right from the get go which, sometimes, takes time to achieve.

    Again – love it!

  6. oh karen. your "old house" is so lovely! you've done a BEAUTIFUL job with its loving restoration. we each live in our own place, precious to us if we're lucky, and i'm quite enjoying watching yours come together like pages in a magazine.

    i'm envious, i am. but i am happy for you.

    nor would I mind renovating a home with as lovely an outcome as YOURS.

  7. I love it! What great memories you are creating in such a wonderful atmosphere to boot! We do game night and movie night with our four year old. I love to have those traditions!

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