Blizzard 2015 and prayer for a special person

  Business as usual… weathermen all aflutter over what might be the Blizzard of 2015.  If you live in the northeast, have you stocked up on the essentials yet?  Toilet paper, bread and milk are the three things we apparently can’t live with out.  Speaking of milk… we’ve discovered a new product that we love beyond whats reasonable, I’m pretty sure.. it’s called FAIR LIFE – read more HERE.   I’m not being paid to herald it, we just really love the taste and the concept of cows living humanely and we consumers -consuming- a healthier product. 
  My thoughts keep returning to a blog friend. She is  struggling greatly and if you’re so inclined, please visit THIS post and  leave a kind word, send a little prayer.  I cannot fathom what she must consider daily now and her grace under such enormous weight is amazing, a lesson for us all.  It occurs to me as I type this that the  concept of prayer might seem like hypocrisy coming from someone who claims  she is not religious.  I don’t know what to say to that… only that in times when it seems appropriate and necessary, I pray to the powers that be that there will be healing, peace of mind, comfort for those who need it, including me.