Blizzard Stella and other Random Ramblings

I woke up early this morning, grabbed a cup’a coffee and headed out into the Tundra-that-was-not, Blizzard Stella as they are calling it ( Same name I gave our cottage – how funny is that!)  to feed the horses, rabbits and chickens.  T’is true the predicted winter blizzard has just begun, and maybe I’m pushing it a little, but I don’t see this as becoming a major storm.  Already the snow fall prediction has dropped.  Just hoping the wind doesn’t pick up dramatically. 
 The horses are in for the day with clean bedding, hay and water and their breakfast grain. 
Same goes for the chickens out in the coop – and the chicks on my porch are waiting for their morning treat of  hardboiled egg mashed for their convenience.  No, this is not cannibalism. Egg Yolk is the nourishment a chick feeds from while developing in the eggshell. 
Notice the new feathers, which have sprouted practically overnight – 
 Saw this kitchen on FB – love everything about it. 
 I’m not going to spoil my day by bringing up the Orange Scream and those who continue to lie and twist and contort facts versus fiction. No… instead I will share with you a delicious lemon loaf recipe I made the other day. Apparently Starbucks has an enviable Lemon Loaf recipe.  I don’t go there because I’m probably one of the few on the planet who doesn’t like Starbucks coffee – too bitter.. or something.   Anyway…this recipe is delicious if you love lemon – give it a try! 
Better Than Starbucks Lemon Loaf
If you like Starbucks Lemon Loaf, then you’ll love this moist, delicious Lemon cake! This easy to make recipe is loaded with delicious lemon flavor, and topped with an amazing lemon frosting.
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Serves: 10
  • 1½ c. flour
  • 1 (3.4 oz.) package, instant Lemon pudding mix
  • ½ tsp. baking powder
  • ½ tsp. baking soda
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 c. sugar
  • 2 Tbsp. butter, softened
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 2 tsp. lemon extract
  • ⅓ c. fresh lemon juice
  • ½ c. oil
  • ¾ c. plain Greek yogurt
  • zest of one lemon
  • Frosting:
  • 3 Tbsp. Butter, soft but not melted
  • 1½ c. powdered sugar
  • 3 Tbsp. lemon juice
  • 1 tsp. lemon extract
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line the bottom of a 5 x 9″ loaf pan with a piece of waxed paper. (With a pencil, trace the bottom of the pan on a piece of waxed paper and cut out with scissors.) Spray the pan, and waxed paper with non-stick baking spray. Set aside.
  2. In a mixing bowl, combine the flour, pudding mix, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. With a stand or hand mixer, combine the eggs, sugar, butter, vanilla, lemon extract, lemon juice, oil and yogurt. Mix until evenly combined. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet, stopping to scrape down the sides of the bowl. Add the lemon zest, and mix until just combined. Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan. Bake for 55 minutes, or until center is fully set, and a toothpick inserted comes out crumb free.
  3. After baking, let cool in the pan for 5-10 minutes. Run a knife around the sides of the pan, invert and remove from the pan, removing the waxed paper from the bottom. Cool completely on a cooling rack.
  4. For the frosting: Combine the butter, lemon juice and lemon extract with hand or stand mixer. Gradually add the powdered sugar, and beat until smooth and creamy. Evenly spread the frosting over the top of the loaf. Refrigerate to let frosting set completely before slicing. Refrigerate any leftovers in an airtight container.