A whisp of Blue on Saturday morning…

  It’s a grey mist kinda day so far… and on my way up the driveway with a gator full of horse and chicken manure I came across an injured bluebird.   Sad to see it… knew there was nothing I could do for the fella… so I picked him up and put him in a nearby bluebird house.

Have I told you lately how much I love this dog?
So does the very macho teenager of the house.

I’ll spend some time today riding Opie…
and clipping those whiskers, apparently…
…While K gets ready for tomorrows horse show, the last of the season with Beemer.
This is not Beemer..
We are now at the point in the road where Beemer will not
be able to take Kristen to the next level in her riding skills..
He will continue his training with his owner.  
The dilemna is finding the right horse and situation, AFFORDABLY…
to get her where she wants to go.
Coop News! 
I finally gave up on trying to find someone in Connecticut who would sell me
four pullet hens.. not chicks, which I can get in 100 places.
I don’t have the coop space to separately raise chicks, keeping them safe from
getting picked on or killed by my adult hens.
Sooo.. I found a woman in NY state that will ship four six month olds to me
as soon as the heat dies down and they can tolerate transit.. Parcel Post!
I’ve got two cochins, an Ameraucana (sp??)  and an Andalusian coming…
This is sort of what the flock will look like,
although chickens vary.. especially the Ameraucanas….
The cochins have feathery feet!

I’ll let you know when they arrive…
Have a great weekend, all  –

23 thoughts on “A whisp of Blue on Saturday morning…”

  1. Good morning and that dog is so adorable. I want to look at him all day.

    An aside – I got off track here (I've been on-call all summer for two hour drives back and forth to the Mayo clinic for my parents) and will send a check for t-shirt. Please tell me I'm not too late??

  2. Awwww, poor little bluebird, you did the best you could with that kind heart of yours.

    Hope you have a wonderful day, and a good ride. And, yes for goodness sakes trim those whiskers. 🙂

    K just is a natural on a horse; always looks so elegant. I wish her luck tomorrow, and hope ya'll can find the right and best for next year.


  3. What a blogger you are … rescuing an injured bird, and remembering to photograph it as you go so you can share. 🙂

    I know exactly how you feel about Frasier. We have the same feelings around here too.

  4. Love that picture of your son and furbaby. And chickens? You have chickens coming?;>)

    Poor little bluebird- doesn't it just break your heart a little bit when things like that happen? xo Diana

  5. I feel sad for the bluebird…it's color is so brilliant. I hope it survives.

    Enjoy your Saturday, it sounds like it will be wonderful. And hurray on those hens!


  6. Poor little bluebird! So beautiful. I can't wait for the fall so I can tolerate riding again! It's been in the 90s today…Love the pic with your son and puppy And love the eggs the americanas lay!

  7. Shipping chickens cracks me up. My son used to get all his baby chickens via the USPS, I always wondered what the postmaster thought when they came to their final destination–her post office. She'd just call my son,and tell him to come get his chicks. Life in a small town!!!

  8. I don't think I've ever commented but I read your blog often. I love how it is down to earth, posts on every day life and the happenings around your home in what looks and from your words, feels peaceful and serene. I love the beauty of your photos and your words. Thank you for sharing.

    ~ Lisa from Indiana ~

  9. I so want to come and hang out with you- the horses, the chickens- the bluebird, the sea… sigh. I love visiting you 🙂 Thank you for the bloggie makeover- I was so surprised – you got it! I giggle every time I see it- great memories!

  10. This spring, a mama sparrow (again) built a little nest above our back porch light. As she flew away to fetch food one morning, one of her littles got knocked out of the nest. We debated on what to do; eventually my husband's gloved hand gently lifted baby back into its nest. We held our breath and watched to see if mom would accept it back, and are happy to report that she did. (wipes brow). Anything with birds = we love! Enjoyed your post, especially those dazzling photos.

  11. I can't tell you how many birds, one baby raccoon (found this guy behind our laundry hamper – we think one of our cats drug him through the dog door), a bat (the woman said he was depressed!) and one special female eagle (a rescue truck came to get her – she can no longer fly and lives in upstate New York where school children come to visit and learn about wildlife) I have carted up to Sarvey Wildlife Center in Arlington, WA. I always feel happy leaving there (after leaving a nice donation!) because I know they will do their best for these critters. I don't know what I would do without them!


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