Blurry Header issues….

  Sounds like a personal problem, doesn’ t it?   Does anyone know why my photos are coming out blurry when posted as a header on blogger?….  Have any of you had the same issues? 

16 thoughts on “Blurry Header issues….”

  1. it is a pixel/resolution issue. when you upload a small picture to fit a large area, you lose quality. try uploading something that you haven't cropped down.

  2. No… I haven't had that problem, even when I crop my photos, whether I shoot with my Rebel or my pocket camera.

  3. but honestly… I think your pictures have been beautiful lately and haven't noticed any blurriness. if I did, I probably thought it was intentional to create a misty look.

  4. For my header photos, I set them to 1000 pixels wide then upload them to blogger directly from my PC. It could be exactly what Cindi said in her first comment.
    Beautiful image, btw.

  5. Mine did that a few weeks ago, on all my blogs as well as the blog I made for my grandmother on a separate account.

    I just uploaded them again, and all was well.


  6. This happened to me recently and then it went away. I'm not sure if it is a resolution issue so much as a Blogger issue?


  7. I've noticed that on my headers too. The pixel/resolution being too small sounds right. I'm going to try saving them at a larger pixel size and see if that helps.

    Good luck! I like your header BTW. Looks intentional.

  8. At least when you put it on there it didn't rearrange the entire format of your blog. That's what it decided to do to me.

  9. i had a blurry one a few weeks ago….but all seems to be okay now.

    darn blogger….sometimes it can be so frustrating 🙁

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