
 Halloween is a favorite around here..
no stress.. just fun. ο»Ώ

 These are some ideas from the web…
this look would cost nothing more than paper, scissors, alittle imagination.
Love it!

Martha Stewart probably lives here…

The non-gourmet version of these… divide cupcake mix batter in half, color one half yellow,
the other orange.. fill cups halfway with one, then the other.. frost after cooling with white icing. Easy!

 Such a simple idea, and yet the look is wonderful.
 Do you ignore the holiday altogether,
Or do you participate?
What’s your favorite Halloween tradition?

22 thoughts on “Boo!”

  1. My favorite is the pumpkins on the ledge over the door. Your house is beautiful.
    DH and I sit on the front porch, handing out candy to the neighborhood kids. That's about it.

  2. I love everything Halloween. Anything orange, I'm on it. Your house looks fun to decorate for the season. Very pretty. My fear Halloween is a Freddy-head or Chucky coming up over the horses's stall when I tuck them at night. I would absolutely hurt somebody trying to get the ___ out of there.

  3. I heart Halloween and decorate a bit for it each year. Even though we have no trick or treaters up our street, I still can't seem to let go of the fun of the holiday.

    You decorate rather well yourself, Martha.. I mean Karen. And, you have designated that mantle clock as belonging to me upon your demise, right? LOL

  4. Hubby & I used to go all out when we lived in the city. We had the scary graveyard complete with ghosts in front of the house. Scary music would be playing and we would both dress up to hand out the candy. Some of the younger kids were too scared to come up to the door!

    It was great fun! But, since we moved to the country, we have no trick or treaters and you can't see our house from the road, so, after a couple of years of decorating and no one seeing it, we eventually stopped. (sigh) it's one of my hubby's favorite holidays!

    Great ideas though!

  5. Do I LOOK like the kinda gal that would ignore the Holidays? I am making Mummy meatloaves for the kids! And now they will be followed up by the darling cupcakes you featured here. I see you have my pergola (outside shot) featured here in Picture #8- Me and Martha's place- Bwhahahaha! (for those that DON'T know me- I AM joking).

    Happy Sunday- great post- love the shots of your house! xo Diana

  6. We are not Halloween people. I think all these ideas are delightful but where would I store all that stuff? And who would put it away after Halloween? Nope, I'll just admire the photos and keep mine simple with a few pumpkins on the porch.

  7. I do decorate for ALL the holidays, a little more for Halloween than the other minor ones. My favorite decorations were on a home that had all those electric plastic pumpkins in their windows, it looked awesome.

    My husbands high school colors were black and orange, so his city went nuts, they even have a Halloween parade! Hmm, maybe we'll go this year!

    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  8. The only thing I do around here is hand out candy. What doesn't get handed out, gets eaten. Not sure if I'm gonna do that this year, since my butt is large enough!

  9. I do enjoy making Halloween cookies, but don't decorate anymore. Like Gone Country, we live off the road. But I enjoy seeing what others do when I go into town.

    Love your header and other decorations on your blog — well done! πŸ™‚

  10. We get no trick or treaters! But, I do have the farmhouse cottage all gussied up for Fall!
    J loves to carve pumpkins so I guess any day now he will arrive home with a few!
    Do you get a lot of kids? My parents live in a gated community and they get around 300 each year!!!! Neighbor kids, grand-kids, cousins-they come from all over because the community goes all out.

    My Dad adores it πŸ™‚ Each year he hands out little bags of candy with a toothbrush in each one! All year he is constantly stocking up on toothbrushes!!
    It's the kid in him πŸ™‚
    xo, misha

  11. Ok, I'm going to fess up here. My favorite Halloween tradition these days is turning off the lights and going downstairs in the basement, pretending I'm not home. I knowwww. That's just not right…but I do.

  12. I don't decorate an awful lot but when my kids were young I started hanging bats from the ceiling fan on the porch and I have not been allowed to ever stop:)

  13. We used to decorate alot when Michelle lived with us. I decorate for every single holiday, but Halloween and Fall in general get a little bit passed over due to the fact that we are just getting home in late October and trying to get things winterized…it is ON to the Christmas Rush. Not as big a deal since the kids aren't here anymore, but we do decorate alot. My favorite Halloween decorations….YOURS and Pottery Barn!!! Oh…and perhaps Williams Sonoma!!

  14. Usually I love to decorate but not this year in the rental house!
    I always used to make bags of caramel corn for the kids who I knew that came to the house. …. unknown kids got the wrapped storebought stuff since I didn't know their parents. The neighborhood kids LOVED my caramel corn!

  15. Since moving to the country 20 years ago, we've never had a single trick or treater.. I've missed them. I don't really do our place up for Halloween, with the exception of carved jack o lanterns, and various squashes and pumpkins all piled up in a pyramid. My only Halloween tradition is making caramel apples…. then giving most of them to my goats, sheep and donkeys.. like I said, we don't get trick or treaters.

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