
  The Mr. has a thing for old wagons.  We have one on the front lawn, you’ve seen it in my blogposts before I ‘m sure.

 We used Emmaline as a vegetable cart and now she is a lawn ornament.  She’s also a darker shade, as we have fortified her with linseed oil several times over since this photo was taken in 2011.

 M wanted something a little heavier to display vegetables out at the road… and had a friend of his keep an eye out for a buckboard wagon down in Amish Country. Emmaline hails from the same area. 

 Why am I naming these wagons?  I have no idea, it just seems appropriate.  They’ve  worked hard for many years and deserve the respect, don’t ya think?

Meet Buck… currently out in the mini orchard, but soon to call our roadside vegetable stand “home”. 
Note the metal rimmed wooden wheels, how well crafted they are.
The Amish know how to build a wagon…
they still use them for farming and transportation!

22 thoughts on “Buck”

  1. It's gorgeous! Not only do I see fresh vegetables and an 'honor system collection box' but glass caning jars full of zinnias – with raffia bows tied around them. Clearly I've driven around the back roads of the Midwest too long! I'd definitely stop and buy something! 🙂

  2. How beautiful is Buck?! I think it is fabulous that you are having a road side garden stand!! Love them! And yes, I also see zinnias being for sale!

  3. Those are great old wagons. There was a buckboard in my grandfather's little barn when it burned to the ground. I sure love yours-xo Diana

  4. Karen I know someone up here in northern NY that will be having buckboard envy once she sees your new wagon… its is a beauty!! L. from CAAL

  5. What a beauty, or should I say a handsome Buck? The vegetables will look even more appealing when on board! Nice find.

  6. well hello buck….

    i think it's so cool that a. you have wagons and b. they are something you both love! {well maybe hubby a bit more than you}

  7. The Amish know how to build just about anything!! We have many around us and one of my best friend's is very close to many of them. Those folks work hard!! Personally I prefer Emmaline…but once you get done fixing up Buck, I am positive it will look fab sitting out front!

  8. NICE! Buck is in beautiful condition! Glad you guys are doing the veggie stand this year! Summer will be veggies and books at This Old House 🙂

  9. I love it !!!!!! I just love old things that are brought back to life !!! Was it already in this kinda shape or did you guys have to have work done to it !!!!thats just plain awesome !

  10. Of course you should name the wagons; we've always named our cars and trucks. 🙂

    Buck is a genuine beauty! So glad the Mr found "him".


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