She who talks to insects

We got a whopper of a rain storm early in the evening…
Tornado watches in part of the state and more than a few lost power.

This morning the muggy grey sky humidity has returned.
Not even heavy rain dissuades it.

So I’ve been out among the perennials  this morning clipping dead-heads
and discussing politics with the bugs.
‘Round here, they’re the only ones who agree with me…
and the dogs ofcourse… but I feed them
and provide great bacon treats.  


I’ve never seen a spider like this one before…
the body as big as my thumbnail.
Looks poisonous to me, do ya think? 
Can you see the little angry alien on his body pattern?
*I googled – it’s a black and yellow garden spider, harmless.

 In any event, he’s not voting this year either.
Do I hear a collective gasp?
Nope, I’m not voting… because I don’t think we have an answer I can stand by
this time around.  No mud slinging here,
I just don’t see a clear answer.
And I’m really tired of the petty childish campaign behavior.
We’re looking foolish, folks.
No wonder our street cred is way down.
If we can’t respect each other, how is the rest of the world supposed to believe it.
Just sayin.

18 thoughts on “She who talks to insects”

  1. Ha! And it's pouring again as I write!! Love the photo of Frasier peeking out the window! Only you could make such a gray, muggy, rainy day look so beautiful! Enjoyed the little garden tour…

    Seems as though everyone is on edge till this darn election is over!! Sigh…

  2. Unfortunately, I tend to agree. I see Congressional infighting and I want to jerk them up by their ties and say: "Hey, it's about us out here! Stop the damned bickering!" Beautiful pics you nabbed!

  3. i detest the name-calling, too. *sigh*

    we have those argiope spiders here. i love them – i call them 'zipper spiders'.

    the pearl crescent butterfly is one of my favorites!

  4. I love your butterflies! We used to have spiders like that in our garden. But I don't go in my husband's garden so am not sure whether they're in there or not. Don't even get me started on politics.

  5. I can't take it anymore either. The one thing I wish for is a cap on the amount of spending candidates can spend on their campaigns. It would/could work. The amount spent on these presidential campaigns just floors me. Those outrageous amounts of campaign money could actually cure some of ails they all say they will fix!
    Love your spider! We have oodles of those. They take their webs down mid-morning and rebuild at dusk! Such hard little workers to help keep our mosquito population down 🙂
    xo, misha

  6. I agree with you on the voting and especially the street cred business. Pretty sad state we are in right now…

    Your photos are beautiful and we had spiders like that in charleston but ours look to be bigger. We called them banana spiders. Loved them! They make amazing webs!

  7. That's some serious rain coming off the roof! Hope nothing got hammered below it.

    I need to plant some flowers, so I can attract some butterflies… all I get are spiders.

  8. I will vote in our local and congressional elections, but I will probably obstain from the presidential election … same as you, I dislike the choices and won't vote for any lesser evil, just as a matter of principle.

    The bugs and bees have been busy here, too.

    Ruby hangs out at the window, with her elbows on the windowsill, just like Frasier. She loves to watch the world go by … actually its groundhogs and squirrels in the backyard … hey, that's her world.

  9. i look past all the name calling since they do it from both sides. I don't want Romney for Pres. so I will vote just to keep him out. I understand how you feel though.

    Hubby loves that spider and whenever he sees one makes me take pictures of it…..I just delete them later…


  10. Wonderful photography as always. Loved seeing your views and that spider got me too. glad you looked it up.
    I'm with you on not voting, now if everyone would do the same, maybe just maybe they would get the HUGH hint
    peace n abundance,

  11. Karen you photos keep getting better and better!!! I think I'm with you on voting if this is our best two were in trouble big trouble. Hope you have a great rest of the weekend

  12. Send the rain down south! Just returned from vacation at the beach and it was hotter at home! I just picked just about the last of the tomatoes and the okra is still hanging on–it LOVES hot weather!
    I may sit out this election too–I've grown to absolutely hate politics– I may unplug from FB til election is over–just tired of it already!

  13. You know I'm with you on this, all except the not voting thing.
    As nauseating as this campaign is, I still have to put my 2 cents in.

    And the spider, he's cool, but that web is real interesting.

  14. The photos are beautiful. AND, I think you should vote. It's a privilege that others have died to give us. I know it's hard, sometimes it seems our choices are in vain, but I really believe in voting for what we believe is best, even though the may be the best of two evils.

  15. I hate all of the negative ads as well. The problem is THEY WORK! I don't know what that says about the voting majority. I always feel they don't work on me, but those jackals know what they're doing.

    So I am not listening to any of them. Not a one. Not as hard to do as I thought it would be.

    Then I can vote my true opinion. I hope!

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