
  This is the state of our health insurance situation right now.  Because of the Affordable care act, which I admittedly had high hopes for…. because our nations health insurance programs sucked for many…..  Anyway… because of that lovely new deal we were cancelled by Blue Cross Blue Shield.. unless we wanted to pay $400. more PER MONTH. for our family’s health insurance.  Even though President Obama promised if we liked our plan, we could keep it.  That was wrong.   So we switched to Connecticare (HA!).. care, really??…. because it would be about the same as we were paying per month. Which ain’t cheap.  And we’re all pretty healthy. 
  Two things.. for the same money, we’re getting less services covered.  And… the new drug plan which they call the Freedom Drug Plan – IRONY!!!…  really.. really .. sucks.  This is happening all over the country and I bet a few of you have had a similar issue.     –   I have high blood pressure despite being active and healthy, a non smoker non drinker otherwise.  Over the past few years my doctor has prescribed several drugs that either didn’t have any affect, had terrible side effects or I was allergic to.   We finally found a drug that works perfectly with no side effects – Benicar.  Amen!  How happy I am.  Benicar has no generic form yet, patent up next year… then there’s hope for a generic.  For now, Connecticare refuses to pay for it… instead insisting I keep trying the other drugs I’ve already tried without success.. maybe take MORE of them to see if they work any better.   They have refused both my GP and Cardiologists requests.  Not sufficient evidence that I can’t keep trying other drugs. That’s their reason.  Awesome. 
My father had a heart attack last week.  He has 20 percent heart function as a result and has congestive heart failure.  He’s also experienced periods of not being able to breathe, having been intubated for 24 hours when it got real bad.  Just two days after that, he was kicked out of the hospital and sent to a rehab facility  – where he relapsed and had another attack just 48 hours later.  Back to the hospital in an ambulance he went.   The center told me he should never have been sent there because they are not equipped for cardiac rehab, no monitors, no IV ability, etc… it appears the hospital was just looking for a place for him to go that wasn’t THE HOSPITAL.. even though they were aware of his grave condition.   Awesome.  
Anything to save a buck.  Mr President… I have to wonder… is this what you had in mind? Meanwhile.. my cousin who hasn’t worked in ten years .. just because, really….. is THRILLED with the ACA because he finally has insurance again, FREE.  He laughs about it. Not funny.   
There is something very wrong with hardworking individuals paying a big price for those who just choose not to work.  I get it when people can’t help themselves or are trying and struggling  – its why I had high hopes for the ACA,  we need to help them.  But there are too many cases where this isn’t the case, it’s abuse… and we should be able to pick our best health options. 
Meanwhile.. tonight.. the debate.  This oughta be interesting.