Can someone give me a clue?

I’ve heard much about Pinterest in the past year, and so I ventured over.  I see lots of glorious images and even some recipes!… but I’m not quite sure what you’re supposed to do on Pinterest. I was asked if I wanted to request an invite (huh?)… and so I did.  I have not heard whether I am accepted or rejected yet.  So.. what are you supposed to do with Pinterest… IF your request is accepted?….and how long does that take?  What does it mean to RE-PIN?…  I found some awesome images as I was browsing.  They let you do that while you’re waiting for your request to be accepted or…. rejected?….

25 thoughts on “Can someone give me a clue?”

  1. I'm glad you had the good sense to ask this question, because I have been wondering too (but didn't have any good sense). I'm sure someone will enlighten those of us who haven't a clue!

  2. I asked twice to join and haven't heard either. Maybe we're rejects. I am so glad you asked those questions as I have been on and couldn't quite figure it out. Thanks.

  3. I joined, but if you go to my 'boards' you won't see much…..just don't have the time…..
    but say you see a rug on my blog, and you LOVE it, you pin it…….to your boards, and then other people see it, and they repin it…..and so it goes.
    One thing I hate though, is reading a blog that is miles long with pictures from Pinterest…….takes too much time, even if they are awesome.
    I skip right over them.

  4. Karen, I LOVE pinterest. For years I have been a magazine junky. And have clipped and cut and tore inspiration out of many pages,,,filling many binders and sheet protectors with all the inspiration. Now it's all tidy in one place on Pinterest! With links to recipes and instructions! (most pins should link to the original post or website they came from) I did a blog post not to long about about "How To" Pinterest. You can find it here:

  5. I am not interested in it at all. I think people who do crafts and home improvement must like it. I would rather do so many other things than pin pictures on a board. I am rather hooked on the Google+ Photography boards because it inspires me to improve. Plus it is a nice community behind the photos. I think we all find our areas of interest in these sites. I do not get the interest in Twitter either but millions enjoy it. Nice to have choices.

  6. Okay — seems I'm the only one here that actually goes there — I use it for inspiration mostly. For photography I guess. And if you see something out on the webs you think someone might be inspired by — pin it to a board. It's all about sharing ideas, I think. 🙂

  7. Hi Karen – I use it all the time…. requested an invitation many times and never got a reply. Then one of my blogging friends sent me an invitation and I was finally in. I use it to Pin all kinds of recipes, craft and decorating ideas, and websites I want to remember. I have your email address – I'll send you an invitation.


  8. I use Pinterest for inspiration for photography, attire, home decor, and recipes. Basically, you peruse the offerings and 'pin' them onto boards you create. You can 'follow' people whose boards you like so that when Pinterest opens, there will be a page of people you follow, or you can go to a page where there is everything that's being pinned. And yes, you have to request an invite. Sometimes, when I feel like looking at beautiful things, I open Pinterest. One of my favorite boards is called 'feathered'. I love birds.

  9. It is like new age magazine browsing and one can spend alot of time there!! I would have sent you an invite but I see somebody already did! Lots of fabulous inspiration on Pinterest!

  10. I guess I don't really get it either, well I sort of do, and some of my images are on there. I also sent a request and got snubbed…I guess my images are good enough to be on there but not me, lol! 😉

    Kat 🙂

  11. be prepared to be addicted….although it comes in waves for me.
    you'll be accepted soon and then you just re-pin what you love.
    you can find me i think just by searching my whole name or beth is here.

    it's a great way to have bulletin boards without making a mess out of my laundry room wall 🙂

  12. Don't ask me, I'm still trying to figure out the interest in facebook. Most anything I want to see, I can see on the computer… without invitation, rejection, or obligation.

  13. "C" and I both love Pinterest! It's a nice tidy place where I can catalog ideas and inspirations (and recipes) where I can actually find them! I can quickly peruse and see if something catches my interest–so it doesn't have to take forever! When I want to decide what cocktails I want to have over the holidays, I'll quickly go to my food and beverage board and check out the drinks that I pinned because they interested me–like the cranberry margaritas and see what I need to buy. Wonderful for recipes because I'm not going nuts trying to find the recipe card! Also if I'm visiting blogs and see a room that inspires me, I can "pin" it–it gives a link to the blog or internet site it came from and so I have discovered new interesting places to visit.

  14. I Pinterest. I have found such great recipes (wheat free) & organic sites to follow. If you don't spend too much time there it is a good tool for information. 🙂

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