Can you imagine? ….

  I had a n early errand to run this morning and so I found myself at the shore at 6:30 am, just as the sun was about to rise over the water.  I stopped briefly because the scene was so beautiful… calm waters, mist on the fringes,  and the hint of the rising sun on the horizon…  peaceful.   Can you imagine living in this house, out on the edge there?  It’s not a fancy house, either.. perfect in size and simplicity. 

“At the beach, life is different. Time doesn’t move hour to hour but mood to moment. We live by the currents, plan by the tides, and follow the sun.” – anonymous

28 thoughts on “Can you imagine? ….”

  1. I would never leave home if I lived there with that magical view that they must see every day when they awake. Best time of the morning too.. thanks for sharing this photo, Karen. It's lovely.

  2. wow thats a great shot! you know we take little rhing for granted like sunrises and sunsets! Have a great weekend!

  3. Yes I can. I have been imagining that for years. If only I could find one to afford. Yes, really a peaceful place.

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